Chapter 52: Hatching Eggs

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Time Skip 15 days later

George woke up early that morning. He went to the balcony to check on the birds and their eggs. It had been about 12 to 13 days since the bird laid her eggs and they could hatch any day now. Dream had bought binoculars to look at the nest better. They kept the binoculars on table of the balcony.

George grabbed the binoculars and adjusted them to look at the nest. There he saw two tiny baby birds and a half-hatched one trying to get out. The mama bird sat there helping them. He grinned widely and ran back inside.

"DREAM! WAKE UP AND COME WITH ME!!!" He yelled so loud that Dream shot up and looked at George concerned.

"What happened? Are you Okay?" Dream asked. George nodded with a big smile and dragged Dream out of the bed and to the balcony. He handed Dream the binoculars and Dream looked at George before looking at the nest through the binoculars.

"The eggs hatched!" Dream gasped. He smiled at George and hugged him from behind.

"One of them is still hatching! Let me watch." George said and Dream gave him the binoculars. George looked at how the tiny bird struggled to get out of its egg. It would move around trying to break the shell and then fall silent as it got tired.

Dream and George watched the baby bird finally get out of the egg. The bird that wasn't in the nest came back with a worm while the other one flew away. He fed the worm to one of the chirping babies.

The other bird came back with a worm and the first one flew away this time. This was repeated for a long time. Birds are hard working parents.

"Their chirping is so loud! You can hear it all the way to here!" George said. Dream nodded.

"Having children can be annoying and noisy, even frustrating at times, but life feels lonely and boring without them." Dream thought.

"Maybe you're right." George said.

"Did I say that out loud?" Dream asked. George giggled and nodded.

"Life can be pretty boring when it's just the two of us, and when we both are Minecraft YouTubers. I think we should have children, maybe in the future though. I don't think I'll be a good father now. And we can always get pets if we feel lonely!" George said.

"You'll be an amazing father. We already had a cat baby and I saw how much you cared about her. I think we should wait a little to decide this. Maybe after our wedding?" Dream suggested.

"Sure." George murmured with a soft smile and continued looking at the birds. "Dream? Can we put something soft below the tree? What if they fall and get hurt?"

"They won't fall George, the nest is really sturdy and curved at the edges. Now come with me and have breakfast. Then we can watch them all day." Dream said.

They went to the kitchen and decided to have cereal for breakfast. George washed the bowls and Dream decided to vacuum around the house. When George was done with the bowls he helped Dream and dusted the shelves and cabinets. Dream had a dust allergy so George always did the dusting.

When they were done they decided to go sit in the balcony again. Dream stepped out but stopped and whispered to George to not move. George tried to peek outside and saw a bird eating seeds at the bird feeder. It then flew away to the nest to feed it's babies.

Dream motioned George to go back inside with him.

"Now they won't have to work as hard, they can get their food from here. We can watch from the window." Dream said.

"Oh! I forgot I had asked Sapnap to record today! Do you wanna record?" George asked.

"Sure. We can do another you laugh you lose challenge? Or we can try out something you coded!" Dream suggested.

"That's a great idea! I recently coded the gravity switch mod! It's like the gravity switches every 5 minutes so the world becomes upside down!" George explained his mod enthusiastically.

"We can make a video on that! Let's go to our recording room, I'll call and tell Sapnap to join. We have to be quiet though if you don't wanna disturb the birds." Dream said. George nodded.

"Its not a manhunt, it's a chill challenge. Besides, you're the one who's loud." George said.

"Oh yeah? You screech like a pterodactyl!" Dream retorted playfully.

"Okay stop. Go call Sapnap I'll go boot up our computers." George said. Dream nodded.

George went to the recording studio and Dream called Sapnap. They joined a discord call and George started recording, so did Dream. They both recorded and streamed in the same room which was separated by a sound-proof curtain so that their voices won't echo.

"In this video I coded it so that the gravity switches every 5 minute. Can we beat the game before we get launched to the sun? Keep watching to find out. Also most of the people who watch my videos aren't subscribed so if you end up enjoying the video, consider subscribing. It's free, and you can always unsubscribe later. Enjoy the video!" George said as he ran the plugin.

Time Skip

They were done recording the whole video within two hours. Dream offered to edit it for George. Of course George agreed.

They had yelled a lot during their recording session. They'd laugh uncontrollably whenever someone got launched into the sky. They could only pray the birds didn't get scared by their yelling.

It was lunch time and they ate some salad and bread. Then they decided to look out from their window and watch the birds take care of their children. George loved watching them. He could sit there for hours and watch them interact.

"I think I like children..." George said mindlessly. Dream nodded.

"You just like everyone George, no matter good or bad." Dream told him.

"I can't wait to marry you, and maybe adopt a child, and start a family. Our happy family." George said as he leaned onto Dream's shoulder, kissing his cheek.

"Me too, Georgie. Me too..."
1048 words.

The book is ending in like 5 more chapters I think. I said it'd end at 50 chapters but now we're at chapter 52-

And there will be bonus chapters after I end the book! Also I'm planning a new book now and I have a few ideas and I want you guys to tell me which one you like the most:

McDonald's: Dream and George are university students. Dream is the son of a rich businessman. He never pays attention to anything at university, not the lectures and not the girls, because he's gay. George works at a McDonald's to pay for his university fee and his mother's hospital bills. His mother suffered a stroke in the past and has been prescribed bed rest at the hospital. What happens when Dream goes to the McDonald's George works at?

▪ My Dream (I'll probably change this title) :  Clay is a normal person living his school life with his friends Sapnap and George. That is until one day he has to fight some criminals. He decides to become the superhero of Florida behind the mask of 'Dream'. No one knows his secret. His friend George has a crush on Dream. Clay knows about this. Will be reveal his identity to his best friend whom he has liked for the past year or will he remain under cover and help his city fight crimes?

Choose your favourite story idea! You can suggest plot ideas for the story too!

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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