Chapter 12: Sleep

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^^Amazing fanart by boobeardrawws on Instagram^^

They had set up the bed downstairs. The upstairs room still had a mattress while the other one was downstairs now. They hadn't decided who was going to sleep upstairs.

It was dinner time and George's mum made spaghetti and meatballs for all of them. George helped his mum in serving the food. They sat and ate in silence until George's mum spoke.

"So did you guys decide who's sleeping where?" She asked.

"Not yet mum. All we know is that Drista said she will sleep downstairs and she insisted on that. We still have to decide who will be sleeping in my room, Dream or Chris." George said.

Drista looked at Chris. A minute later Chris nodded. It was as if they talked but no words were exchanged between the two.

"I'll sleep downstairs." Chris said.

"Okay. Well Dream, will you take the bed or the mattress?" George asked.

"I don't know. We'll see." Dream replied.

They ate and George collected all the dishes and went over to the sink. Dream got up to help George.

"You don't have to do the dishes Dream. I can do them." George said.

"No I really want to help. You gave me a place to stay, it's the least I could do." Dream said. George sighed softly and let him help.

After everything was done for the night everyone exchanged their goodnights and headed to their rooms. Dream and George entered their room and they both sat on the bed.

"Do you wanna take the bed? I'm fine with sleeping on the floor." Dream said.

"Nope. You're taking the bed." George said. He sounded like he didn't want no for an answer.

"Dude it's your room." Dream said.

"Well you're my guest." George replied.

"I'm living here to get away from my parents. Plus I've taken the bed everyday since I've been here. You're taking it today." Dream said and got up to go sleep on the mattress but George grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

Dream fell back onto the bed with George beneath him. George was supporting himself up by his elbows while Dream had his hands on either side of George. They stared into each other's eyes yet again. Their faces being inches apart for the second time that day, their noses almost touching. Dream could lean in and he would be kissing his crush. The thought of it made his stomach fill with butterflies.

George leaned back onto the bed away from Dream. Both of them were blushing like crazy. Dream got up amd went to the other side of the bed.

"My bed is big enough for the both of us." George said as he laid down. He was still flustered. Dream hesitated but laid down as well, a fair distance between them to avoid any awkward contact.

They were both laying on their backs staring up at the ceiling. It wasn't the most comfortable but they didn't want anything to be awkward. Eventually Dream turned to face George. George turned his head and smiled at him. Dream smiled back.

"Go to sleep." George mumbled. He sounded tired.

"I could say the same idiot." Dream replied. George nodded and turned towards Dream. He shifted closer to Dream and curled up.

"I'm tired. Like you yesterday." George said with a sleepy giggle. He threw his hand loosely around Dream's torso. Dream stiffened for a second but relaxed soon. He pulled George closer and held him, running his fingers through George's soft hair.

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