Chapter 46: George's Birthday

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For the night everyone decided to celebrate at Karl's house. His parents were out working and his brother was staying at a friend's so they had the whole house to themselves. Karl had requested them to stay the night, not only because it was already night when they got there, but also because he would be able to surprise George at midnight.

They ordered food and ate together. After eating they watched 'Adventure Time' because Karl insisted on it and hung out on the couch. They talked for a long time and the time flew away as it was now 11 p.m. and they were all either asleep or really sleepy and on the brink of falling asleep.

George was sleepy and clinging onto Dream. Quackity was already asleep on Sapnap's shoulder. Karl pretended to be asleep on Sapnap's other shoulder but was awake even after being really tired from the game.

"Hey guys I'll go to sleep now. George is already half asleep." Dream said. Sapnap mumbled an 'Okay' before resting his head on Quackity's, probably falling asleep.

Dream lifted George up and carried him to the guest bedroom. He put him gently on the bed and climbed in beside him, pulling a blanket over the both of them.

George cuddled Dream as he fell asleep. Dream kissed his forehead and pulled him closer, almost falling asleep as well. Almost.

That was until Karl slowly opened the guest bedroom door and peeked inside. Dream looked up and covered George's face with the blanket to not wake him up by the light that came through the door.

"Dream can you come outside please?" Karl whispered. Dream looked at him confused and nodded, slowly getting out of the bed and replacing himself with a pillow that George squished in his sleep.

"What happened Karl?" Dream asked once they were outside the room. Sapnap stood there sleepily while Quackity clung onto him, still looking asleep.

"Its George's birthday in about 30 minutes! We need to prepare something and we need to prepare something quick." Karl said. Dream giggled and nodded. They made their way to the kitchen and looked through the cabinets.

"We can make cake! You have the funfetti cake mix." Dream said and pulled out a box of cake mix.

"Sure! I'll go preheat the oven... But, we won't be able to surprise him at midnight then... It will take a while to bake." Karl said.

"That's no problem. He's asleep and won't wake up anytime soon. We can surprise him even if it isn't at sharp midnight." Dream said.

"Okay. I'll get the oven ready, you can start making the batter." Karl said. Dream got himself a bowl and poured the cake mix powder in it. He mixed it with egg and water to make the batter for the cake.

When the oven was preheated, they put the cake in and waited for it to bake. Karl went to the pantry to look for frosting and Sapnap helped him. Quackity stood there still sleepy. Dream checked the cabinets and found some chocolates to decorate the cake.

"I have normal frosting and chocolate frosting. Which one do we want?" Karl asked putting the two cans of frosting on the counter.

"Chocolate!" Quackity yelled and picked up the chocolate frosting can.

"I say we put both." Dream said. "Half the cake can be chocolate frosting and half can be vanilla."

"Okay. I'll check on the cake." Sapnap said. He wore a mitt and pulled the cake tray out of the oven. It looked good and smelled even better.

"If we can decorate it quick enough, we still have time to surprise him right when midnight strikes." Karl said. Everyone nodded and Karl and Dream started smearing frosting on the cake. Karl iced the cake with chocolate frosting while Dream did the same with vanilla frosting.

"Guys we have like 5 minutes." Sapnap said. Dream quickened his work and started on decorating the cake. He put chocolates on the cake in a heart shape in such a way that half the heart was on the vanilla frosting and the other half was on the chocolate frosting.

Karl puts the spatula he used for icing away and grabs a bag of chocolate flakes. He arranges the flakes so they say '1-8' in the middle of the heart Dream made.

"Alright, we're done." Karl says. Dream quickly makes his way to the guest bedroom and beside George.

"Georgie can you wake up please?" Dream whispered. George groaned and his eyes fluttered open. He looked at Dream with sleepy eyes.

"What? It's still night." George said before closing his eyes again and trying to go back to sleep. Dream however lifted him up so he was sitting.

"I have something for you George but you need to get up for that." Dream said.

"I don't wanna." George whined. Dream shook his head and lifted him up so that he was carrying him now.

"Wake up or I'll take you outside like this." Dream said. George groaned and opened his eyes. Dream smiled and carried him out of the room.

"Where are we going?" George mumbled.

"No where far. You'll see." Dream said and sat George on the couch. George kept staring in front of him. Karl appeared from behind them and approached George with the cake.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGIE!" Karl yelled as he placed the cake on the coffee table and hugged George tightly. George looked at him in confusion, probably because he was still sleepy, but soon smiled and hugged back.

"Thank you." George muttered. Karl presented the cake to him and his eyes sparkled and his smile turned into a big grin.

"Me and Dream made this for you! Sapnap and Quackity helped us." Karl said.

"Sapnap helped us. Quackity slept while standing up." Dream complained making George giggle.

"Thank you guys so much. This cake is beautiful!" George said.

"Not as beautiful as you. Happy birthday." Dream said and kissed George's cheeks.

"We're still here..." Sapnap said. Dream rolled his eyes. "Happy birthday George."

"Happy birthday man!" Quackity said.

"Thank you. I love you guys so much. I'm so grateful to have you all." George said.

"We are grateful to have you too! Now what are you waiting for? Cut the cake!" Karl said. George smiled and grabbed the knife. He blew out the one candle that was in the middle of the cake and cut it. Everyone clapped and sang the Happy Birthday song.

Dream grabbed the piece George just cut and put it up to George's mouth. George ate it and picked up another piece for Dream. They ate the cake and finally went to sleep.

Dream and George lay in bed, George on Dream's chest as the taller ran his fingers through George's hair.

"Happy birthday love, I hope you have a great year and a great life ahead." Dream whispered.

"Thank you Dream. I will have the best life because I have you." George said, making Dream blush. They both closed their eyes and fell into deep slumber.
1181 words.

Now I want cake...

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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