Chapter 40: The Message

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George freaked out as he read through the message. Dream had finished the dishes too and was standing behind George, reading the text over his shoulder.

"MUM! MUM!!" George yelled as tears filled his eyes and his breathing picked up. Dream hugged him tightly, taking the phone from his hand and screenshotting the message before blocking the number.

George's mum came running over to him. She looked him up and down, concern lacing her face. She looked at Dream asking him what happened wordlessly.

Dream handed her the phone and wiped George's tears as he tried to calm him down.

"Shh, George. Calm down. He won't do anything. I won't let him do anything. Shh. Don't cry okay? Breathe for me please." Dream said. He started breathing loudly asking George to copy his breathing pattern.

Soon his breathing became normal but his tears didn't stop at all. He was terrified of his father. He knew his father could definitely do whatever he says.

"Georgie honey calm down. He is trying to frighten you. He isn't gonna do anything. You are safe here, you know that right? I'm here for you, Dream's here for you, everyone else is too. Calm down and don't think about it anymore. It's not true." George's mum comforted him. George nodded and Dream wiped his tears again.

"H-He c-c-can do-do it." George managed to say. His breathing became fast again.

"He can't. I assure you Georgie. Now stop thinking about it. Do you wanna go to sleep? We can go upstairs?" Dream asked. George nodded. Dream guided him to their room and laid him on the bed before climbing in next to him. He held George close and George clung onto his t-shirt.

"Dream I'm scared..." George whispered and sobbed into Dream's shirt.

"George I want you to calm down. Don't focus on that. Think about... about something you like, something you cherish. Think of people you love, things you love, your favourite place, think about your yellow. Distract yourself." Dream said and kissed George's hair.

"Dream can we talk so that that message leaves my head?" George asked in a whisper.

"Sure, what do you wanna talk about? We can talk about whatever you want." Dream said.

"You... and me. I don't know." George said.

"We can talk about us. Go on." Dream said as he ran his hand through George's hair.

"So I had a question... Will you ever break up with me Dream?" George asked.

"No. I would never. I will love you forever, I promise. Why this question suddenly?" Dream asked.

"Just... I felt bad when I heard about Clara's breakup." George said.

"Don't worry about it Georgie, Clara and Rick are still friends. And I'm never breaking up with you. So, uh will you break up with me ever?" Dream asked.

"No. If it's up to me I would be with you forever. But if things change in our relationship I... might. I won't want to but if you are toxic or abusive or something then..." George trailed off.

"I won't let things change, ever. I'll love you forever and respect your boundaries. I will never do something that you don't like. I will never be toxic or abusive. If I am then you have the right to kick me out of your life." Dream said with a smile. George looked up at him and giggled.

"I won't have to because I know you'll love me forever, just like how I'll love you forever too... Do you think we could get... married in the future?" George asked.

"I do see a possibility. I would love to marry you if I could, but we still have to wait for that." Dream said.

"I'm ready to wait then. Also we don't have to shout about it to others like Karl, that's annoying." George said making Dream chuckle. George laughed with him too But got cut off as he yawned.

"Go to sleep now. I love you." Dream said and kissed George's forehead.

"I love you more. Good night." George mumbled and nuzzled into Dream's chest. Dream giggled.

"Good night idiot." Dream said and kissed George's hair as they both drifted off to sleep.

Time Skip

It was the next morning. Dream had woken up already. He was done showering and getting ready for school. Now he was looking at George who was sleeping peacefully. He looked peaceful for the first time since yesterday. Dream was happy to see him like this.

"Georgie wake up. We have school today." Dream said and shook George gently.

"Mmm no." George said as he pulled the blanket over his head and turned away from Dream. Dream sighed and lifted the blanket up. George whined and curled up.

"Get up or we'll be late!" Dream said.

"No. Gimme my blanket I'm cold." George mumbled.

"We literally live in a 80 degree weather state how are you cold?!" Dream asked. George chuckled and looked at him. He made grabby hands at Dream to make him lift him up. Dream lifted him up and sat next to him.

"I don't wanna go to school Dream... I'm... scared." George said.

"Don't be scared George, I'll be there for you." Dream said. George nodded but still looked unsure.

"I promise you that nothing bad will ever happen. I'll ask Karl and Sapnap to keep an eye out for anything." Dream said.

"Okay..." George said and got up to shower. When he was done he came out and went downstairs with Dream. His mum smiled and gave them both breakfast.

Soon Drista and Chris joined them for breakfast too. Clara was still sleeping due to the tiredness of the journey. They all ate and left to go to school.

Mrs Davidson dropped Drista and Chris at Dream's old school and took Dream and George to their high school. When they got there both boys wished her goodbye and started getting out the car.

"Dream can you make sure he doesn't feel scared?" Mrs Davidson asked.

"Of course mom. I'd do everything I could for him to feel safe at school... And safe from other potential dangers." Dream said.

"Thank you Dream. Have a great day." She said with a smile.

Dream and George went outside the car and headed towards the school.
1054 words.

Idk what I'm doing anymore :D

Thinking about ending this book soon. Maybe 10 more chapters. If I don't end it within 10 chapters then it will probably be long af.

There could be major time skips in the next few chapters but I haven't planned anything yet because I'm really creative 👍

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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