Chapter 56: Baby

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Time Skip A Couple Days Later

The adoption agency had accepted the home study and today was the day George and Dream could finally legally adopt Jenna. George was really excited as they got into the car and started driving.

Soon they got to the agency and the woman that took care of infants guided them over to Jenna's crib. There were many cribs with really young babies most of who were here because their parents weren't capable of taking care of them in one way of the other.

Jenna's parents were financially unstable and hence they had to put her up for adoption. George felt really bad for the parents who had to stay away from their daughter and had sworn to take really good care of Jenna.

"Here's Jenna Smith. She is officially your daughter now. You can go contact Mr Brown and take her home. You can also fill out this form if you have thought of a better name for her." The woman said and handed Dream a form.

"Do you have a name in mind Georgie?" Dream asked. The woman picked up Jenna and walked up to George. George took her from her hands and held her close, looking at her with adoring eyes.

"I do but I want you to name her." George said not looking up at Dream, instead just looking at Jenna.

"What do you want to name her? I'm sure I'll like that name better." Dream said.

"I was thinking about maybe Evelyn? I had this thought that I should honor Eva in some way for saving our lives. I still feel bad about it." George said. Dream smiled and nodded, putting his hand on George's shoulder. (Eva is still alive, George just feels bad and thinks it was his fault.)

"Sure. Evelyn Davidson. It really suits her. I'll go fill this form, you can wait here or go to the car." Dream said and started filling out the form to change the baby's name.

"I'll rather stay here." George said and peeked over Dream's shoulder to look at the form while swaying a sleeping Evelyn slightly.

"...George do you also have a middle name in mind? It's optional if you don't." Dream said.

"I named her so you can pick the middle name." George said. Dream smiled and turned his head to kiss George's nose.

"What do you think about Grace?" Dream asked with a grin. George smiled too and nodded. Dream filled the form and submitted it. "Now we have to take it to Mr. Brown." (Grace is George's mother if you don't remember.)

"Lets go then. I can't wait to go home and show Evelyn around!" George exclaimed causing Evelyn to squirm in her sleep. George immediately started swaying her and humming softly. She fell asleep again.

"You're a great father." Dream whispered making George blush. They went to see Mr Brown, The head of the adoption agency. He accepted the form and said that Evelyn's legal name was now Evelyn Grace Davidson and that they could take her home now.

Dream started the car and George sat on the passengers seat holding Evelyn in his hands. She had been sleeping for a while now and would wake up soon. The ride home was in a comfortable silence and soon they got home. Dream was unlocking the door when Evelyn woke up and started crying.

"Shh baby, we're home now. You can go to sleep again, I'm sorry if I woke you up. Are you hungry? Do you want milk? Just give me a minute okay? I'll make you a bottle." George tried to calm Evelyn down but she kept crying.

As soon as the door was unlocked George rushed inside and to the kitchen. He took the milk powder and mixed it with water and warmed it just slightly. Dream took Evelyn so George could make the milk bottle for her. George poured the milk into a baby bottle and put the cap back on.

He handed the bottle to Dream who fed Evelyn. She calmed down instantly and finished half the bottle of milk. George sat down next to Dream and watched as Evelyn fell back asleep.

"We really need to discuss what she is gonna call us." Dream said. George looked at him with confused eyes.

"She'll call us dad?" George said as if it was obvious.

"She'll call us both dad? Won't she get confused? Or won't we get confused?" Dream asked. George now realized what Dream meant and thought about it for a moment.

"She can call me Papa." George said. Dream nodded and smiled kissing George softly on the lips.

"That's cute." Dream whispered. He got up carrying Evelyn with him and brought her to her bedroom.

"This is your bedroom Evie. I hope you like it. Your dad spent a lot of time decorating it." George whispered and Dream put Evelyn in the crib. He put a blanket over her and watched her sleep with George by his side (not in a creepy way...).

✨Time Skip To A Few Hours✨

Dream made dinner for him and George while George took care of Evelyn. By now he had figured out how to change diapers and how to feed her. It was a new experience for him.

Dream brought two plates, one for George and one for himself and put them on the dining table, sitting next to George and scooting his chair closer.

"How will you eat if you have Evelyn in your hands? I'll feed you." Dream said. George nodded and Dream fed him. When George was done eating Dream quickly ate his meal and washed the dishes. George insisted on washing them but Dream told him to look after Evelyn.

"We should really go to sleep. I'm tired as hell. Also Evelyn is sleeping in our bedroom tonight." George said. Dream chuckled and they made their way into their bedroom.

"If she wakes up in the middle of the night then don't worry, I'll take care of her. I know it could happen. Chris used to wake up at odd times and he was loud when he cried." Dream said. George laughed and sat on the bed gently putting Evelyn on it. He leaned back and laid down as well. Dream climbed on the other side of Evelyn.

"Good night, both my babies." Dream whispered and chuckled lowly. George smiled and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep fairly quickly.

They went to sleep like the happy family they were.
1090 words.

Yes this is the last chapter. The bonus chapters will be posted either day after tomorrow or the day after that. I'm taking a day off.

I absolutely loved writing this story and I hope you liked it too. I'll miss you guys for a while ;-;

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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