Chapter 1: School

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The sound of a blaring alarm brought George out of peaceful slumber. He groaned and shut it off and began drifting off again.

"GEORGE! GET UP! YOU'LL BE LATE!" His mother shouted from downstairs.

"AM UP MUM!" George said back. He groaned and got up. He went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. He pulled out his phone and opened Spotify. He put his playlist on shuffle. Then he hopped in the shower and set it to warm.

After the shower, he put on some clothes. A black hoodie with black jeans that had rips on the knees. He grabbed his bag and put on his vans before walking downstairs.

"Good morning mum! I'm ready to go." George said as he walked up to his mother who was in the kitchen.

"Good morning honey! Here have some pancakes before we leave." His mother said as she handed him a plate of pancakes. George munched on the pancakes and put the plate in the sink.

"Let's go." His mother said as she picked up her keys. They both sat in the car and she began driving.

Although George is 17 he doesn't have a driving license because he's colorblind.

A few minutes later they arrived at the school. George picked up his bag from where it rested near his feet and opened the door.

"Bye mum! Love you." George said as he started getting out of the car.

"Bye Georgie! Have a great day. Love you too!" His mum said with a smile. George smiled back and closed the door after he got out. He headed inside the school building and towards his locker. That was the place he and his friends hung out at before classes started. He could see Karl at his locker. He was facing the other way. He was standing with Sapnap and... someone? George had never seen them in the school before. Maybe they're new? George walked up to Karl. He saw Sapnap about to exclaim but George gestured him to not say anything. Karl was still in the middle of a conversation with the other two when George got behind him and covered his eyes. Karl jumped while Sapnap and the other person snickered. Karl tried to reach behind and find out who was it. George turned him around and removed his hands, uncovering his eyes.

"Hi Mr Karl! I'm hurt you didn't recognize me." George said with a fake hurt expression.

"Well you scared me Gogy. Not my fault i couldn't speak!" Karl said with a pout. Then he burst into laughter. The other three followed.

"Gogy?" The possibly new person asked, still chuckling.

"Oh don't listen to Karl. He's an idiot. Im George, by the way." George said.

"I'm Dream. I'm new here as you can probably tell. Nice to meet you George!" Dream said with a small smile.

"Hi Dream! Welcome to Netherwart High!" George smiled. He thought Dream was handsome.

"Let's go to our first class. The bell is about to ring." Sapnap said and dragged Karl away. George and Dream started walking behind them.

"Can i have your schedule Dream?" George asked while they were walking. Dream just nodded and handed him his schedule. George analysed the schedule for a minute.

"You have three classes with me and lunch. It's great because Karl doesn't have lunch with me and neither does his boyfriend Sapnap." George told Dream as he handed his schedule back to him.

"What classes do we have together Gogy?" Dream asked with an ear-to-ear grin.

"Don't call me that. And we have first, second and fifth class with each other." George said, slightly annoyed by the nickname but smiling nonetheless.

"Okay Georgie." Dream said. George blushed slightly but it wasn't noticeable. They entered their first class and sat next to each other. The teacher had not arrived in the classroom yet.

"You know, Dream is an interesting name. Did you pick it yourself?" George asked out of curiosity. He wanted to get to know Dream.

"Yes. Well not really. Sapnap picked it for me." Dream replied.

"Oh Sapn- Wait Sapnap? Didn't you just join?" George asked, confused.

"Yeah I've known Sapnap for quite a while. We're best friends. Almost like brothers. He gave me this name like three years ago." Dream explained.

"Oh cool! I think I've heard about you once. I just didn't know you back then though." George said. The teacher entered before Dream could reply and they focused towards the front.
751 words.

I plan on posting two chapters today. Please comment and tell me what you think about the story so far.

Remember that you're valid and loved! Also don't forget to eat, sleep and stay hydrated! Have a great day/night!

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