Chapter 7: The Morning

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Look at this amazing fanart made by daniartonline on instagram.

TW: Mentions of abuse.

Goerge woke up early the next morning. He sat up and looked at Dream who was sleeping on the bed peacefully. He smiled and exited the room. He brushed his teeth and hopped into shower.

When he got out he realized he had forgot to bring his clothes. He wrapped a towel around his waist and walked out bare chested. He slowly opened the bedroom door hoping Dream was still asleep.

To his luck, he was.

George tiptoed to his closet and pulled out random articles of clothing. He quickly put on a t-shirt and was pulling his sweatpants up when Dream started stirring. George hurriedly pulled them all the way up and threw the towel somewhere without seeing.

Dream slowly opened his eyes and saw George. His hair was wet and it covered one of his eyes. Dream thought he couldn't have woken up to a prettier sight. He smiled and blushed.

"Good morning." Dream said. His morning voice was deep and raspy. George found it hot and blushed.

"Morning. I'll make you some breakfast. You can brush your teeth and freshen up in the bathroom. Use the yellow tooth brush. Tell me if you need clothes although they might not fit. Do you need help getting up?" George said. Dream giggled and sat up.

"I got this George." He said as he tried to stand up but almost fell. He would've hit the ground if George wasn't quick enough to hold him.

"Be careful Dream." George said and guided Dream to the bathroom.

"This is the bathroom. Also what would you like for breakfast?" George asked.

"Anything is fine with me." Dream said and entered the bathroom. He looked for a yellow toothbrush but he could only find a blue, a red and a green one. He then remembered that George is colorblind. He chuckled and decided to ask George.

"GEORGE! CAN YOU COME HERE FOR A SECOND?" Dream said loudly. A few seconds later George came upstairs.

"Yes Dream? You need something?" He asked.

"Which toothbrush did you tell me to use again?" Dream asked holding the green toothbrush in one hand and the other two in his other hand.

"The yellow one." George said pointing to the green brush. Dream smiled at him.

"It's green George." Dream told George. George just looked down.

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry Georgie. It's not your fault you're colorblind okay?" Dream said. They both smiled.

"Oh shit I forgot I was making breakfast for you. Shit shit shit let's hope it's not burnt." And with that George ran downstairs.

Dream brushed his teeth and washed his face. He didn't shower yet as he didn't have clothes here. He decided to figure it out later.

He went downstairs and saw George making scrambled eggs. He sat on a stool beside the kitchen island and stared at George. By now he knew he felt something for George. He noticed how pretty he looked. Dream found George pretty in every situation.

"Here. You need to eat to get the energy to stare at me." George said giggling as he passed a plate of eggs to Dream.

"I'm sorry." Dream said. His cheeks were dark red.

"It's okay. I know I'm pretty." George said and started laughing. Dream chuckled awkwardly.

"No for real though. You do have pretty privilege." Dream said.

"No I don't Dream." George said after his laughter died down.

"Keep thinking that but just know I meant it." Dream said with a smile. They both heard footsteps and turned around to see George's mum coming downstairs.

"Good morning boys! Dream are you thinking about going to school today?" She asked. Dream nodded since his mouth was packed with eggs which he quickly chewed and swallowed.

"Okay. Are you both ready? We have to leave in a bit." She asked again.

"Uh I need to shower but I don't have any clothes here." Dream said and ate the last bite of his eggs.

"I have some oversized t-shirts and hoodies that might be about your size. Let's go upstairs and you can try them out to see if any of those fit you." George said as he handed a plate of eggs to his mum.

They both headed upstairs and George pulled out a few hoodies from his closet.

"Try these on. I'll be outside." George said and exited the room, closing the door behind him. A few moments went by of trying on different hoodies until Dream picked a blue hoodie that fit him perfectly. He quickly changed back to his previous clothes and opened the door.

"This one fits. And it goes well with my sweatpants." He said. George nodded and handed him a towel and Dream headed to the bathroom. He took a quick shower and changed into George's hoodie.

He came out and sat on the couch in the living room besides George. George's mother had to do some chores and they had enough time before classes started. They chatted for a bit.

"Dream can I ask you something?" George asked.

"Yeah sure." Dream said.

"Um it's about... yesterday." George said.

"Oh um... yeah go ahead and ask." Dream said as he subconsciously started fidgeting with his hands.

"Do your parents always hurt you this bad? Because if they do then you're never going back there. I don't wanna see you get hurt anymore." George said.

"No. They usually punch and kick me but I was still able to fight back and get away. Yesterday was the worst. They left me half dead. My leg still hurts but its a lot better now." Dream said and broke into sobs. George hugged him. He hugged back and sobbed for a while.

"I'm sorry. I'm so weak. All I do is cry." Dream said when he calmed down a little.

"You're not weak. You're the strongest person I know. Crying doesn't make you weak Dream. It's better than bottling up your emotions." George comforted Dream.

"I think you're right. Also I think I should tell you the reason I had to change schools. But you have to promise me you won't tell anyone." Dream said.

"I won't. You can share your secrets. They'll be safe with me." George said. He held Dream's hand. It was warm.

"So I... hit someone and broke their nose... It was because I was bottling up my anger and frustration. I got expelled." Dream said quietly. "I promise to change now that I'm in this school."

"You can always share your feelings with me. You have Sapnap too. Don't bottle them. Bottled feelings are like a volcano that erupts and destroys things. And I'm glad you're considering to change yourself." George said. Then George's mum came from the kitchen and told both the boys to get ready as they're leaving now.

George grabs his bag and they both head outside to the car.
1155 words.

Early update today! Honestly I'm not that happy with this chapter. But it's out now so you guys tell me what you think.

As always remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night!

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