Chapter 22: Walking Home

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George and Dream started walking in the direction of George's home.

"What should we do today?" George asked.

"Spend time?" Dream replied.

"I mean- yeah but how are we spending time today?" George asked.

"I don't know. We can't really go out today. Wanna play Minecraft?" Dream said.

"Sure!" George said happily.

"Okay! Let's g-" Dream got cut off by a loud *meow*.


"Oh. There's a cat somewhere. Let's go find it. We can play with it for a bit. I love cats." George said. Dream nodded and started looking around.

"I'll go look on that side." George said pointing towards the opposite side of the road.

"Okay. I'll go search the park." Dream said and walked towards the park.


"Kitty where are you?" Dream said to himself as he searched for the cat. He looked up at a tree and saw a small kitten stuck on a fork made by the branches of the tree.

"Oh no. Hold on Kitty I'll be up there quick." Dream said and started climbing the tree.

"Dream? What are you doing?" George asked from the ground. Dream pointed to the cat on the tree. "Oh."

Dream climbed up to the kitten and slowly moves his hand towards it as to not startle it. The kitten tried to reach for the hand but ended up losing grip on the tree. Dream was quick to grab it.

He caught the kitten and hugged it close to his chest.

"You're okay baby. You're safe with me. Don't worry." Dream whispered. The cat let out a soft purr.

Dream slowly climbed down the tree with the kitten still in his hand. He sat down on the grassy ground and laid the kitten on his lap. He checked for any injuries.

"Oh my god I got so scared Dream." George said as he walked over to Dream and sat down next to him.

"She's okay. I don't see any injuries on her." Dream informed.

"That's good. Does she have an owner?" George asked.

"How would I know?" Dream chuckled.

"That's right. You don't." George mumbled.

"She probably got separated from her mama." Dream said.

"Can we take her home? Please?" George asked with puppy eyes.

"I don't have a problem with it but will Mrs Davidson allow it?" Dream asked.

"I don't think she will have any problem with it. I brought a cat home as a child and she let me keep him." George said.

"Okay. We can take her home. She needs a bath and she's probably hungry." Dream said.

"We can go to the pet store after we drop her at home." George said. Dream smiled and nodded. They both got up and started walking while Dream cradled the kitten.

"What are we naming her?" Dream asked.

"You choose the name. You saved her." George said.

"I was thinking... Patches?" Dream said.

"That's a great name!" George exclaimed. He patted Patches' head. "Hi Patches!"

The walk was soon over as they reached home. George opened the door for both of them and Dream walked inside with Patches.

"Mum! Look who's here!" George said.

"Hi honey. Welcome ba- Aww is that a cat?" George's mum said. She went up to Patches and rubbed her head.

"Can we keep her Mum?" George asked.

"Sure! Where did you guys find her?" George's mum asked.

"Dream saved her when she was stuck in a tree and was about to fall." George said and smiled at Dream.

"Aww good job honey! I'm glad you saved her. Did you name her something?" George's mum said.

"Yeah. I named her Patches." Dream said. "Are Drista and Chris awake? I want them to meet Patches."

"Last time I checked Drista was awake. Chris is asleep since morning. You can go check." She said.

"Okay! And can me and George go to the pet store later?" Dream asked.

"Yeah. I'll drop you two there when I go to a client in the evening." George's mum said. Dream nodded and went to his siblings' room.

"Hey Dream." Drista whispered. Dream smiled and sat on a chair by the desk.

"Hey. How are you doing?" Dream whispered back.

"I'm fine. Chris is still asleep though."

"Yeah. He needs some sleep to heal better. Anyways look who I have!" Dream said and pointed to Patches who sat curled up in his lap.

"Aww! Where did you find it?" Drista asked.

"She was stuck on a tree and I helped her. She's pretty young and I think she got separated." Dream said.

"Oh... Can we keep her?" Drista asked.

"Yeah! Mrs Davidson said yes." Dream said and chuckled.

"Is she hurt? Can I hold her?" Drista asked.

"Yeah you can hold her. Luckily she isn't injured." Dream said and got up. He handed Patches to Drista.

"Hi Kitty! Aww you're so cute!" Drista said.

"I named her Patches. Now take care of her. I'll be going to the store to get her some stuff." Dream said and exited the room.

Dream headed to the living room and sat next to George. George leaned against him and rested his head on Dream's shoulder.

"Today was tiring. I'm like exhausted." George said.

"I agree. But we still have to go shopping for Patches. Go get ready." Dream said.

"Speaking of, where is Patches?" George asked.

"With Drista." Dream said. George smiled.

"Boys are you both ready? It's about time we leave. 5 more minutes." George's mum said. They both ran up the stairs and into George's room.

"Um George?" Dream said.

"Yeah Dream?" George replied.

"Do you think we can go to my house later? I need to bring some of mine and my siblings' clothes here." Dream said.

"Sure. It's a bit far from here though. Are you sure you wanna walk there? Mum will be busy with her client after dropping us off." George said.

"We can go there tomorrow or something. I was worried because we have left it unlocked. Someone could've robbed the house." Dream said.

"Oh. Hold on I'll ask mum to drop us there first. Is that okay?" George asked. Dream nodded. George left the room to go ask his mum.

Dream quickly changed and waited for George. George soon came back smiling.

"She said yes! She will wait for us while we collect your stuff and then she will drop us at the pet shop." George said.

"Cool! Now get ready." Dream said.

"Well get out then." George giggled. Dream went out of the room and downstairs. George soon joined him.

"Ready?" George's mum asked. Both boys nodded.
1097 words.

Patches pog!

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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