Chapter 21: New Friends

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An hour had passed since they were in detention. The bell rang. Tommy got up and ran outside. George pecked Dream's lips and walked outside slowly as well.

George texted his mum to not pick him up and that he is going to walk home with Dream.

"Hey big G! Is Dream still in detention?" Tommy asked as George got outside the class.

"Yeah... He yelled at a teacher so he is in trouble for that." George sighed.

"Oh. Will you be going home or are you waiting for him?" Tommy asked.

"No I'll be waiting." George simply replied.

"Yeah well I kinda have to wait too until dad is ready to leave. Me and my siblings wait after school everyday. Our house is pretty far from here so we can't really walk there." Tommy said. George nodded.

"You have siblings too?" George asked.

"Yeah! They would be outside or something. Let's go outside." Tommy said.

He walked outside with Tommy and sat on a bench. He saw a tall brunette with glasses and a beanie approaching them. He assumed them to be Tommy's sibling.

"Hey Tom! Got detention didn't you? Why don't you just stop swearing?" They said. Then they turned towards George. "Oh hi there! Are you friends with this idiot? It's nice to meet you by the way. I'm Wilbur." Wilbur said.

"Shut it Will. Even you know I learnt swearing from you. Stop acting innocent in front of dad." Tommy grumbled. George chuckled.

"Hi Wilbur. I'm George. I'm in your year. Nice to meet you too!" George said.

"Oh George! I've seen you around! We never really talked but I would love to get to know you." Wilbur said. He took a seat next to Tommy. "Did you get detention? You're pretty smart though. Why did you get detention?"

"Oh I didn't do my homework... It had a reason that I would rather not share. I'm sorry." George said.

"Why are you apologizing mate? You have your privacy. I won't ask you anything personal. So are you waiting for someone to come pick you up?" Wilbur asked.

"No... My uh- boyfriend is still in detention. I'm waiting for him. We'll be going home together." George answered.

"Oh! Why is he still in detention if I may ask?" Wilbur asked politely.

"He kinda yelled at the teacher so he has to stay there for another 30 minutes." George replied.

"Oh. I see. Well you can hang out with us meanwhile. My best friend is over there with my brother right now." Wilbur said and pointed towards the garden. He stood up and started walking over. Tommy stood up and gestured George to follow.

There in the garden sat two pinkettes with the first one being about the same height as Wilbur though maybe a bit shorter. The other was way shorter. Wilbur introduced the first one as 'Techno' and the second one as 'Niki'.

Techno was Wilbur's brother. He had fang like teeth and a locket with a sword in his neck. He was reading a book 'Art of War'.

Niki was Wilbur's best friend. She had glasses like Wilbur and her hair was tied neatly into two space buns.

"Hey! I'm George." George introduced himself.

"Hey George! How are you?" Niki asked in her cute voice.

"I'm good! What about you guys?" George asked.

"We are good too! Maybe Tommy isn't since he was in detention but yeah we're good." Niki said and giggled.

"I'm good too NIHACHU." Tommy pouted. George giggled.

"Me and my boyfriend got him an hour off detention. We made sure he didn't swear." George said.

"Thank you! He has been swearing way too much nowadays. He even taught swears to Tubbo!" Wilbur said with a disappointed tone in his words.

"We will make sure he doesn't swear. Don't worry." George replied.

"Can I ask who is your boyfriend?" Niki asked.

"Dream. He joined like a week ago." George said.

"Oh cool! Do you think he would wanna hang out with us someday?" Wilbur asked.

"He would. We can hang out tomorrow after school maybe if he isn't busy. And if you guys are okay with it." George said.

"Of course! Ask Dream if he wants to hang out. You can text me his reply. Here's my number." Wilbur said and exchanged numbers with George.

"Thank you!... Oh it's 4:28. His detention is almost over. I should go. See you guys soon!" George said and got up. He went to the school exit and waited for a bit. Soon Dream ran outside and hugged George.

"Hi!" Dream giggled. "You stayed."

"I told you I'll be staying. How did you spend your detention?" George said.

"Thinking about you." Dream said and kissed George. George immediately kissed back. They shared a short kiss and pulled away.

"You're such an idiot." George giggled.

"I'm your idiot." Dream replied.

"You're my idiot." George repeated. "I made some new friends! They were really nice to me. They want to hangout with you sometime."

"Sure! How about tomorrow though? We need to look after Chris and do our homework." Dream said.

"Yeah sure! I actually told them to hang out tomorrow!" George said.

"Good! Well let's head home then?" Dream said.

"Yeah. Let's go!" George exclaimed.

They exited the school campus and started walking in the direction of George's home.
893 words.

Shorter chapter because I didn't know what exactly to write. Next chapter will be longer.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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