Chapter 53: I Do

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Time Skip A Few Months Later

It was the wedding day. It was finally happening. They had decided to get married in a park. They had planned for white, green and blue decorations around the park and an archway in the middle. Dream and George were both bursting with excitement and nervousness.

"I don't know if I'd be able to even stand there without passing out! Too many people, too much attention. I don't want attention! I just want to marry him peacefully." George said. Karl was his best man and stood by his side trying to calm him down but he kept pacing around the room he was getting ready in.

Dream wasn't any better.

"I feel like I could literally evaporate right now. I love him so much! I'm finally marrying him! I can't calm down!" Dream was yelling around while Sapnap tried to sit him down and get him ready. The wedding was in an hour and both of them weren't ready yet. They were just yelling in their separate rooms.

"Calm down or I won't hesitate to slap you Dream! I know what you feel. I felt the same when I married Karl and Quackity. It's overwhelming, I know. You need to get it together man." Sapnap said. Dream sighed and finally sat down staring at his white suit he had decided to wear for the wedding.

"I should really get ready. Do you mind going outside for a sec?" Dream asked. Sapnap nodded and got up to leave.

"You better get ready in 15 minutes. I'll be back in 15 and if you're not ready you're attending your wedding with a handprint on your cheek." Sapnap said and left. Dream laughed at the threat and started pulling off his clothes to put on the suit.

And George was still complaining to Karl.

"I have already been through whatever you're going through right now George. And I'll advice you to just be yourself out there. You're marrying the love of your life today! Cheer up. Don't pay attention to the crowd, pay attention to your soon-to-be husband." Karl said. George sighed deeply and let Karl dress him up. He was wearing a dark grey suit with a blue tie.

"Thanks Karl. Do you think- never mind." George said.

"Tell me." Karl said.

"Uh- can you do my makeup?" George asked looking down. Karl nodded.

"Of course! What kind of look do you want? I'm no expert but I can try. I can also paint your nails if you want?" Karl offered.

"Sure. Do like really light, natural makeup, and for the nail... do blue and green." George said with a smile. Karl smiled back and took a makeup sponge and some foundation and started doing George's makeup.

"Is this good?" Karl asked when he was done. He gave George a mirror. George gasped at his reflection.

"I love it! It looks so good!" George said.

"Yeah, you look beautiful!" Karl said. He took out a box that had nail polish in it and picked out green and blue ones.

"Do you want a lighter green or a darker one? I know you can't see them so I brought your colorblind glasses too." Karl said and pointed to George's bag. He searched the bag and pulled out his glasses. He then chose a light green color and Karl painted his nails.

Soon he heard the music starting to play and progressively getting louder. He knew it was time for Dream to go outside and to the altar. There was a knock on his door.

"Come in please!" George said. The door opened and his mum came inside.

"You look beautiful George." She said. Her eyes filled with tears and a big smile was plastered on her face. "Its your big day!"

"I know mum! I'm nervous but also way too excited." George said.

"Dream is out there already. You have to go soon too. I'm here to take you outside. Karl you're coming too." George's mum said.

"Okay Mrs Davidson, I'll just pack everything quickly. Give me two minutes." Karl said and hurriedly packed the makeup and the nail polish.

The music outside changed and it was time for George to go to the altar. His mum intertwined her arm with his, Karl doing the same on the other side, and they started walking to the ceremony area.

When he reached the beautifully decorated front of the aisle he could see Dream standing there, Sapnap and Clara beside him. He looked absolutely stunning.

He started walking down the aisle. He could see Dream smiling brightly at him. He smiled back and looked around in the crowd. There were many people there but he didn't feel any pressure because the love of his life was right in front of him.

All his friends were there. Quackity, Wilbur, Niki, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Techno, Phil, Zak, Darryl, Eva and Chris sat on one side of the park.

Sapnap's parents, McKayla, Karl's parents, Sean, Juan, and Quackity's mothers sat on the other side along with Drista who was their flower girl. She looked beautiful with her hair and dress and carried a basket of flowers.

There was one special spot with the most seats for everyone reading this too. Take a seat everyone and enjoy the wedding!

George walked up to the altar and Dream offered him a hand. George gladly took his hand and stood opposite him.

They both stared into each other's eyes and zoned out. It was like they were the only ones there. They snapped back into reality as the pastor started the ceremony.

"Do you, Clay Blazewood, take George Davidson to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" The pastor said.

"I do." Dream said looking into George's eyes.

"And do you, George Davidson, take Clay Blazewood to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" The pastor said.

"I do." George looked at Dream and smiled happily.

"Before I continue, does anyone in this ceremony object to the wedding?" The pastor asked. No one said anything, he continued.

"Now through the power vested in me, I pronounce you two, partners in married life. Please bring the rings in." Pastor said. Chris came to the stage with two rings. Dream slid the emerald one on George's finger and George slid the sapphire ring on Dream's finger.

"You shall kiss the groom." The pastor said. Dream leaned down and pressed his lips on George's. The crowd erupted with claps and cheers. "I present to you Mr and Mr Davidson!"

"We're married George! It's actually true! You're my husband now! I love you so much!" Dream whisper yelled in George's ear. George nodded and hugged Dream.
1169 words.

They're married! And yes I purposefully delayed the chapter because I wanted to be evil.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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