Chapter 37: "Welcome, Clara!"

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Clara was here. She was back to Florida!

There she stood on the door. Her long hair tied up in a fluffy ponytail. She was wearing a green oversized hoodie with black jeans. Her height was a little shorter than Dream.

Dream was so happy to see his sister again after literal months. He hugged her really tightly.

"Clay I can't breathe!" She chuckled. She hugged him back, more like pushed him away.

"I'm like so happy you're back! I can't believe you're in front of me! Oh god. Welcome, Clara!" Dream said. He sounded so excited he might burst any moment.

"Yes, I'm here idiot. Calm down! I'm happy to see you all back too! Oh how much I missed you guys." She said looking over at her siblings who had all ran up to her hugging her tightly and tugging her down. She managed to get out of their grasp and step inside.

"Clara! Welcome back! It's so good to see you again!" Sapnap chanted from inside where he stood with Karl and Quackity.

"It's great to see you too Sapnap! And is that Karl? Hey Karl!" Clara said excitedly. She took a seat on the couch.

"Hello Clara, I'm Grace Davidson." Mrs Davidson said with a smile. "It's great to meet you."

"It's great to meet you too... Mrs Davidson." Clara took a while to address her with proper respect.

"I'm Quackity! Nice to meet you!" Quackity chimed in grinning.

"Hi Quackity! Nice to meet you too!" Clara said.

"Hello, I'm George. Please meeting you!" George said with a small smile. He was really excited to meet his boyfriend's sister but he was also nervous to meet her for the first time.

"Oh George! It's so nice to meet you! Dream told me about you guys! Congratulations!!" Clara exclaimed.

"Thank you!" George said as Dream walked over to him and put his arm around his shoulders.

"You guys are actually so cute!" Clara looked over at them adoringly. (I don't think that's a word but I'm dumb.)

"Me and Karl got together after you left as well! Oh and Quackity too!" Sapnap said.

"Oh really! Like a polyamorous? Congratulations all three of you! I always knew you guys would end up dating." Clara said. She yawned as everyone grew silent.

"Are you tired? You can go rest for a while. George already decorated the room for you. Or we can eat if you want. Mom made us all food!" Dream said.

"M-Mom? I-is she h-here? You told me she was is prison?" Clara asked, terror evident in her voice.

"Oh no no no she isn't here and she will never be. She will rot it prison forever. Don't worry. Uh, I call George's mom as mom." Dream told her. Clara sighed in relief and nodded with a smile.

"You scared me." She said. "I'll go rest for a bit. You guys can eat without me. I'll join you for dinner."

"Sure! I'll carry your bags for you." Dream said and dragged two bags upstairs with him. George carried the small duffle bag along side him.

"Thank you both of you." Clara said as she got into her room. She closed the door behind her gently.

Dream and George went into their room.

"I still can't believe she is back! She had a really bad argument with my 'mother' when she left. I thought I'd never see her again." Dream said. George hugged him.

"She is here now and now we will start a new life ignoring everything that has happened in the past. We are going to be one happy family together!" George said. Dream nodded and kissed him.
615 words.

Shorter chapter today because of school of course and also because I want to watch George's haircut stream.

Next few chapter will PROBABLY be fillers with a lot of wholesome moments and fluff but I haven't planned anything for them yet.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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