2| "𝗁𝖾'𝗌 𝖺 𝖼𝗋𝗂𝗆𝗂𝗇𝖺𝗅."

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After the Blake sisters burst, all the teenagers ran out of the drop ship, running past them and enjoying the grass, trees, the ground

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After the Blake sisters burst, all the teenagers ran out of the drop ship, running past them and enjoying the grass, trees, the ground. Some even climbed up the trees. Bellamy stops beside his sisters, smiling at them before walking off, also enjoying it.

Octavia grabs her little sister's hand, the two running off further into the forest, just like their brother and the rest of the teenagers around them. Pulling her hand out of her sister's, Y/n grabs ahold of a branch from a tree, placing her foot on it before pulling herself up.

Octavia watches her sister with a smile, moving her head back so she could see. Y/n continues climbing up, soon resting on a thick and sturdy branch. Letting out a breath, she glances around the beautiful forest with a smile, then looking down at her sister.

"Hey, O! I'm finally taller than you now." Y/n observes.

Octavia chuckles, shaking her head. "Gonna have to come down sometime, y/i."

"Well, I don't know." Y/n begins, shrugging. "I kinda like it up here. It's... peaceful."

After a few seconds and Octavia persuading her to come down, Y/n does, carefully climbing down the tall tree she climbed. Once her feet land on the dirt and grass, the sisters continue walking around. As they do so, Y/n didn't even notice who was in front of her until she rammed into their back.

"Watch where you-" They begin, suddenly stopping themselves.

Glancing up, Y/n's e/c eyes meet a pair of green ones. At first, they were hard before they suddenly soften. Y/n recognized him as John Murphy, but people always just called him Murphy. Y/n had talked to him once or twice, and surprisingly, he was nice to her, which was different, considering he was usually an asshole.

"Oh... Hi, Y-Y/n." Murphy stammers slightly.

From the side, Octavia raised a brow, her arms crossed. Everyone knew how hard he was on people. He only ever cared about himself, no one else. So Octavia was slightly confused how why he was being so nice to her sister all of a sudden.

"Um... Sorry." Y/n murmurs, apologizing for bumping into him.

Looking down, she walks towards her older sister, grabbing her hand and pulling her away. When Y/n first met him, she had thought Murphy was rather cute even behind the mask he had been wearing, but she never did anything because of how rude he usually was.

A little later in the day, Octavia and Y/n found themselves with their brother as they talked with one another. Bellamy held the youngest Blake sibling on his back, Y/n's arms wrapped around his neck as they all conversed.

However, their attention soon went on Wells Jaha, the son of the Chancellor, and Jasper Jordan. Wells had a grip on the boy's arm, pushing him back slightly, neither of them noticing Murphy and his guys walking up to them.

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇 𝗆𝗎𝗋𝗉𝗁𝗒Where stories live. Discover now