1| "𝗌𝗁𝖾'𝗌 𝖻𝗎𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗎𝗉."

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The sun was beaming down on the planet earth and the people living on it

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The sun was beaming down on the planet earth and the people living on it. The sound of water could be heard, adding to the chirps of birds and crickets. A small fire laid on the rocks near the lake that could be seen near the middle of the forest. Trees surrounded the place, no grounders or sky people being seen inside. A log was placed on the rocky ground, two familiar looking faces either leaning against it or sitting on top of it.

Crouched by the lake, the grounder, Lincoln, was cleaning up the food he had gotten for him and the Blake twins. Sitting on the log on the ground, Y/n Blake played with her fingers as she tried to memorize the language grounders spoke. Beside her legs, her head resting against her sister's calves, Octavia Blake was doing the same thing. On the side of her thigh, the arrow that had gotten shot there was still lodged into her thigh, the blood stopping a bit when Y/ n had been able to stop it.

Beside the youngest twin on the log, a bloody cloth laid beside her, showing that was what she was using for her twin's wound. The cuts they had gotten days back were still decorated on their faces, the dirt and mud having been cleaned off enough but sweat still laid all over their faces from the hot and bright sun that sat in the blue sky. For the first time in days, the sun wasn't hiding behind the clouds.

"Ai laik Y/n kom skai kru en ai gaf gouthru klir." Y/n speaks up, trying to remember the the grounder language, to which Lincoln nods at.

"Ai laik Okteivia kom skai kru en ai gaf gouthru klin." Octavia repeats, not noticing her and Y/n said different things.

""Klir", not "klin". "Gouthru klir". Again. Both of you." Lincoln instructs. ""We're Octavia and Y/n of the sky people and we seek safe passage"."

Octavia groans. "Why do we even have to learn this? You speak English."

"And I thought I got it right in the first place." Y/n adds, remembering when he nodded at her as if to say good job.

"Only our warriors speak English." Lincoln replies to Octavia's question, walking back over to them. "When we get to the sea, you both need to sound like one of us."

Y/n sighs. "Then we have time."

"Tell me about this one." Octavia pleads, pointing at another one of Lincoln's drawings in his book.

"A statue near my village. A place we go to settle disputes." Lincoln explains, looking down at her leg.

Octavia lifts his gaze back up by gripping his chin. "Stop stalling and pull it out."

Almost immediately after she said that, the grounder pulled the arrow out of her leg while Y/n was quick to grab her sister's hand when she held it out in her direction. A gasp of pain and shock left past Octavia's lips at his sudden actions , clearly not expecting it to be that fast.

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇 𝗆𝗎𝗋𝗉𝗁𝗒Where stories live. Discover now