6| "𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝗀𝗈𝗇𝗇𝖺 𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗄 𝖺𝗍 𝗆𝖾 𝖺𝗀𝖺𝗂𝗇?"

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Small campfires could be seen in Camp Jaha as the night sky was out, the chirps of crickets echoing through the tall grass around the camp

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Small campfires could be seen in Camp Jaha as the night sky was out, the chirps of crickets echoing through the tall grass around the camp. Civilians of the Ark were still awake as tables had been set up near a makeshift bar-like structure. Most adults, some of the guard, could be seen sitting at one of the tables.

Other guards could be seen by the fence as they kept an eye out for any intruders. Bellamy and Clarke could be seen at one of the tables as they discussed Mount Weather and how to get inside and save the rest of their people from that place since Clarke had been there.

At one of the tables by herself, Y/n bounced her leg up and down as she played with her cup. A few hours had gone by since the group of four had found Finn and Murphy in Lincoln's village, and both Blake twins held an anger against Finn when they realized he killed eighteen innocent grounders. And one of them was Artigas, who was only about fourteen or fifteen years old. As she played with her cup, the sound of footsteps filled her ears before someone was placing themselves across from her with a sigh.

"What a day, huh?" The voice speaks up.

Even before they spoke, she didn't need to know who it was as she already knew. After him and Finn were finished being questioned, Murphy had immediately tried looking for her after getting himself a drink. The Blake girl didn't look up from her cup as she watched the liquid swirl around into a mini liquid tornado in the cup. She could feel his eyes on her, and she was correct as he continued to stare at her with a slight frown.

"Alright." Murphy whispers, resting his elbows on the table as he leaned forward. "When are you ever gonna look at me again?"

"How can I?" Y/n questions through a whisper. "How can I look at you after you hung my brother up and almost killed him?"

"Y/n--" Murphy begins.

Y/n stands up, slamming her cup down as she finally looks at him. "How can I look at you after you shot Raven?"

Before the brunette could say anything else, the girl was walking off. They didn't even notice the attention from some of the adults around them on them until Murphy looked around. Eventually, his gaze caught sight of Bellamy who was at the makeshift bar and had his eyes narrowed on the blue eyed boy. Placing his cup down, the oldest Blake sibling tears his eyes away from Murphy, walking after his sister.

A few hours had gone by since the small argument between Y/n Blake and John Murphy. Day time was now out, the sun hiding behind the clouds. In the woods and away from Camp Jaha, a large group could be seen venturing past the trees, most with guns in hands.

Some of them was the guards from the Ark, including Clarke, Abby, Bellamy, Octavia, Y/n, Finn and Raven. The Blake siblings all walked near each other as Bellamy listened to his little sisters complain a bit about Finn joining them, showing that they had anger in them that was towards the Collins boy for what he did at Lincoln's village.

After finding out that Mount Weather was jamming their radio system, a group had been formed to go back to Mount Weather. As they continued walking, the Blake siblings all shared quiet glances before the oldest was looking to Clarke.

The blonde sneakily glances over her shoulder, glancing between them before looking at Bellamy, giving him a nod. The boy looks to his sisters, nodding at them and after that, the three were sneaking off without being noticed by the group, only Clarke knowing as they had told her.

Y/n kept a grip on the straps of her backpack that was over her shoulders as she walked beside her twin sister, Bellamy leading the way. For a few minutes, they had gotten farther from the group as they continued walking in the direction of Mount Weather, hoping that they could find a way in so it would be easier to get their people out of their alive and well.

"According to Clarke, before the bombs, there were buildings everywhere here." Bellamy informs. "I'm guessing some of them had access to the bunker. So we're looking for ruins, anything that's manmade, okay?"

"Hey! Blake!" A voice calls out from behind them.

The Blake siblings stop in their tracks at the sound of the deep voice behind them, already knowing that it was a guard from the group. Turning around, their guesses were correct as they saw three guards from the Ark standing there.

"Let's go, right now." The guard demands.

"In case you've forgotten, we're not under your command." Bellamy states.

"Don't make us do this the hard way." The guard threatens.

"Come on, Scott, forty-seven of our people are prisoners in this mountain." Bellamy reminds.

Scott, the guard, nods. "And that's why we're out here."

"Wrong. You're out here to find other stations of the Ark." Bellamy corrects. "We're out here to find our friends."

"Bell." Octavia mumbles.

The Blake boy looks to his sisters, seeing they were staring right at the ground. He follows their gazes, seeing large crowds of rats running across the ground and running by their feet, almost as if something was chasing them. The guards look at the animals in confusion, wondering what was going on in this moment.

"What are they doing?" Scott asks.

"Running." Y/n realizes.

Next thing they knew, a loud sound filled their ears as they look over, seeing acid fog beginning to make it's way towards them. Quickly, Bellamy is ushering the guards to cover up, making them take off their bags to bring out their tents. Meanwhile, the Blake twins shared a glance as they watched the rats go in one direction.

Deciding to follow, they watch as the animals go into a small hole beneath a door-like structure. When hearing their brother shout for them, they usher him over, thinking it could possibly be the ruins he had been talking about just a minute ago before they were caught.

Shouting for the guards, Bellamy frantically searches for a handle, soon finding it. With the help of Scott, they were opening it up, to which the Blake boy pushes his sisters in, Scott following. Bellamy waits for the other two guards to follow, one of them sprinting inside. However, just as the other one stands up, the fog had already engulfed him before he could make it to them. Just as Scott goes to run out to his fellow guard, Bellamy pulls him back inside as he lets out a cry of pain, closing the door behind them, leaving them in the dark.

Jogging away from the door in case the fog could come underneath, the group all grabbed their flashlights, turning them on as they ventured forward. Soon enough, they found themselves in an underground parking lot, abandoned vehicles parked in the spots they had been left in as they were no doubt used before the bombs.

"Where are we?" Scott questions.

"Looks like a garage." Bellamy points out.

"More like a tomb." Octavia observes.

Bellamy turns to Scott. "Look, I'm sorry about your man, but we need to find an access door to Mount Weather."

"Hey, not so fast." Scott says quickly when the boy went to walk off.

"Sir, that fog could keep us pinned down for another--" Bellamy begins.

However, the boy stops himself when Scott brings out a pistol. The Blake twins watch as the guard nods to their brother, waiting for him to take it, which he does, holding the pistol in his hands tightly. As he does that, they unsheathed their swords in case of anything.

"We'll split up. Be back here in fifteen. Be safe." Scott instructs.

Nodding at him, the Blake siblings look at one another, sharing a nod before they were going in one direction while Scott and the other guard went in a different direction, keeping their weapons in hand in case of any threat that could come their way.

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇 𝗆𝗎𝗋𝗉𝗁𝗒Where stories live. Discover now