13| "𝖽𝗈 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗇𝖺 𝖽𝖺𝗇𝖼𝖾?"

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In their room on the Ark, Octavia and Y/n sat at the table as they worked on their outfits that laid in front of them

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In their room on the Ark, Octavia and Y/n sat at the table as they worked on their outfits that laid in front of them. The sound of the door to their room is heard, both of them looking over, seeing their brother walking inside, smiling at the sight of them.

"O, y/i. You'll both never guess what's about to happen." Bellamy states.

"Inspection." Octavia grumbles, the two sisters sharing a look. "We'll get in the hole."

"No, no, no. Sit." Bellamy instructs, stopping them as they both sit down. "This is great."

Y/n sighs. "Please, Bell, we don't wanna hear about another amazing moonrise when we're never gonna be able to see one."

"You're both going to see one right now. The Unity Day masquerade dance starts in ten minutes." Bellamy informs, holding up two masks. "Now, I didn't want to say anything until I was sure my cadet unit was working security. I'm gonna be there watching you two the entire time."

The sisters glance at one another, their eyes wide in disbelief as they take the masks from his hands, examining them.

"This is real?" Octavia asks.

Bellamy nods with a bright smile, making them both smile as they put on their masks that covers their eyes. Slowly, they look up at their brother, who smiles at them.

"How do we look?" Octavia questions, both girls posing.

Bellamy chuckles. "Mysterious."

"Oh, Bell, what about mom?" Y/n realizes.

"Hey, will you stop worrying? We'll be back before she even knows you're both gone." Bellamy assures, standing up and opening the door. "Want to go for a walk?"

Nodding in response, the boy walks back, holding out his hands for them, which they grab onto them, Bellamy leading his sisters towards the door. He walks out, watching as they slowly do the same, finally being out the room for the first time in their whole lives.

After closing the door, the oldest Blake sibling walks forward as the sisters grab each other's hands, slowly following him, both being memorized by the sight of the Ark, as they had never seen it before other than their room.

They stop at the end of the hall, where Bellamy turns back around, smiling at them and motioning forward. The girls eyes widen at the sight of the outside, seeing the moon just above the planet, Earth.

Just then, chatter and footsteps break the silence as the sisters look over, seeing many teenagers their age walking into the room beside them. Looking back at their brother, Bellamy motions them to follow, which they do so, walking into a room full of teenagers and music.

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇 𝗆𝗎𝗋𝗉𝗁𝗒Where stories live. Discover now