10| "𝗌𝗁𝖾'𝗌 𝖺 𝗏𝗂𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇𝖺𝗋𝗒."

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A few hours had gone by since the group had been able to save Lincoln, more like Abby saving Lincoln

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A few hours had gone by since the group had been able to save Lincoln, more like Abby saving Lincoln. The night sky was up, the crickets chirping in the tall grass around Camp Jaha as the citizens inside were impatiently waiting for Clarke to come back after she was speaking to the commander in her tent.

Guards could be seen around the gate as torches soon came into their view. Clarke was next to come into their sight as two grounders riding on horses held torches in their hands as they led the blonde to her camp, catching all the guards attention as they announced she was back.

Y/n had been waiting as she sat on a log, twiddling with her fingers. At first, she sat by herself since her brother was with the guards by the gate and her sister was somewhere else, most likely with Lincoln until Murphy had joined her, despite her slight dislikes about it.

Surprisingly, the boy hadn't said anything, but she could feel his eyes on her occasionally. Seeing Finn jogging up to Clarke who was now back into the camp, Y/n stood up from the log she had been sitting on, meeting them halfway in the middle of the camp, hearing Murphy trail behind her as everyone else did the same.

"What did she say? Is there a chance for a truce?" Abby asks.

Clarke nods with a frown. "Yes."

"What's wrong?" Finn questions as he noticed her expression.

"They want you." Clarke replies, glancing at him. "If we want a truce, we have to give them Finn."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Raven asks.

"That's their offer." Clarke states.

Y/n shakes her head. "That's not an offer."

"It's a punishment." Finn realizes. "For what happened at the village. Blood for blood."

"That's insane." Bellamy comments.

"If we refuse?" Abby questions.

Clarke gulps. "They attack."

Almost right after, people were shouting things, already stating that they should just give up Finn and give him to the grounders. Their words only angered Raven as she was shoving them back and away from the boy when they tried getting to him. Y/n found herself being pushed by the shoulders as people stomped by her.

One even shoved her so they could get to the Collins boy, to which Murphy was quick to catch her before she fully hit the ground. Meanwhile, Clarke had tried stopping Raven, but it only ended up with the Reyes girl punching at least two people, shoving even more back till she was being dragged away by two guards.

A bit had passed and the sun was hidden behind the clouds. The guards stood by the gate and in front of the Ark as Finn could be seen inside after being led inside by Clarke. Loud chanting could be heard all around from the grounders who weren't even in sight.

Despite Bellamy's protests about it, Y/n had been given a gun from Byrne so they would have more help to protect Finn. It surprised Y/n that her brother had let her help out. At the moment, the girl found herself inside the Ark with Octavia and Lincoln who had been restrained on a bed when the chanting filled her ears.

Rushing outside of the Ark after giving a look to the two, Y/n held the gun tight in her grip as her gaze stopped on the two grounders that had led Clarke back to the camp the night before. Noticing her brother walking to the gate with Clarke and Abby, the girl jogs up beside him, ignoring the look he was giving her as the gate opens up when Abby instructed the guards to do so.

"Where's the boy?" One of the grounders ask.

"We're not giving him up. We're ready to fight, if that's what it comes to." Abby announces.

Just then, a horn fills the air as the chanting comes to a stop. Everyone watched as the grounders turned around and rode off, leaving them a bit confused but they all knew they weren't giving up. The guards, including the two Blake siblings, held up their guns as they checked for movement. Catching the Blake siblings attention, Clarke motions to the movement she saw by the tree line, wondering who it could possibly be out of all the grounders.

"Don't shoot!" A voice calls out.

What no one in the camp expected was to see one of their own people walking out with his hands raised. Their eyes all widened as they watched Marcus Kane venture towards them, lowering his arms when he revealed himself. They watched the man stop in front of Abby, the two of them speaking to one another for about a minute as most of the guards were relieved that he was back after not seeing him for days.

"Can't be out in the open." Bellamy tells them. "We need to get somewhere safe."

Kane nods. "It's safe for the moment. Come on. We need to talk. I managed to buy us a bit of time."

And with that, the two adults were walking by them and into the Ark. Letting out a sigh, Y/n dispersed from her brother and friend, finding herself walking back to where Lincoln and Octavia were. The two greeted her with a small smile before they were all speaking to one another as the Blake girl had rested the gun she had to the side. About half an hour or so had gone by until Abby and Kane were walking into the room, claiming they needed to speak as they explained their plan to Lincoln, considering he was a grounder and one of their people.

"The commander accepted this agreement?" Lincoln questions with raised brows.

Abby shakes her head. "We haven't made the proposal yet."

"But I think she'll be willing to consider it." Kane adds.

"I need to know. If we put Finn on trial ourselves, is your commander going to accept the outcome, even if we decide he belongs in jail?" Abby asks.

"Even if she wanted to accept this deal, she'd be dead by morning. She'd know that." Lincoln states.

"Your people would kill their own leader for being merciful?" Octavia questions in disbelief.

Lincoln purses his lips. "For being weak. Finn killed innocent people. If death has no cost, life has no worth. That's how we live."

"I spent time with your commander. She's a visionary." Kane recalls.

"And that's why you're all still alive. If it were up to some at her table, you wouldn't be." Lincoln tells them.

"Indra?" Y/n guesses, the grounder immediately coming to her mind at his words.

Lincoln nods. "She leads those voices, yes."

"She's dangerous, Abby." Kane whispers to his friend.

"If she's the one that's standing in the way of an agreement, I need to speak to her face to face." Abby replies.

"There's nothing you can say." Lincoln denies.

Abby shrugs. "Maybe not. But I can show her we understand her pain. Maybe that will be enough."

Not saying another word, she turns around and walks out, Kane soon following her, leaving the three to stare at their retreating figures as they thought of Abby Griffin's words, knowing that Indra wouldn't be so merciful.

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇 𝗆𝗎𝗋𝗉𝗁𝗒Where stories live. Discover now