16| "𝗒𝗈𝗎'𝗋𝖾 𝗍𝗈𝗍𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝖻𝗈𝗆𝖻𝖾𝖽."

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The sun was up and shining down, occasionally hiding behind the clouds as all the campers in the camp were working, some fixing up the camp after the large hurricane they had just a few days ago

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The sun was up and shining down, occasionally hiding behind the clouds as all the campers in the camp were working, some fixing up the camp after the large hurricane they had just a few days ago. The grounder could still be seen up at the top floor of the dropship as Octavia sat near the bottom, waiting any chance that she could so she could see him.

However, Bellamy wasn't letting her anywhere near the grounder in fear of what he might do to her or just wondering what she'd do as all her focus seemed to be on the grounder. Y/n was worried for the grounder, but unlike her sister, she was helping out with the camp. The Blake girl currently found herself standing beside Monty and Jasper who had gotten back from camp after the storm, all of them cracking nuts, the two boys occasionally eating them while doing so.

"What do you think they're gonna do with the grounder?" Jasper asks.

Y/n shakes her head, seeing her brother exiting the dropship. "I'd rather not think about it."

"Well, it's been days since your brother captured him." Jasper recalls. "How long till his friends come looking?"

Monty pats his best friend's back. "Cheer up. In that time, we'll all be dead from hypothermia."

As he pops a nut into his mouth, the boy then holds up his hand, a nut between his fingers. Jasper opens his mouth, being able to catch the nut that Monty threw at him and after that, the two boys smile as they raise their hands, using their other hands to high five themselves.

Y/n couldn't help but chuckle at their actions, continuing to crack the nuts and place them aside, continuing to do the same thing over and over again. After a couple minutes after Y/n taking notice of her brother and Clarke leaving the camp, the next thing she knew, Octavia was speeding over to her twin and grabbing her arm, pulling her into the dropship as she ignored the confused looks from Jasper and Monty.

"I need you to keep watch." Octavia tells her sister.

Y/n furrows her brows. "Why?"

"So I can go see the grounder since Miller and Bellamy are gone." Octavia informs.

The brunette then goes to explain about her plan to help the grounder get out of the dropship and out of camp, and she'd need the help of her sister who agreed to the plan. Octavia had grabbed a bag, climbing up the ladder and into the room where the grounder was being held captive. Y/n stood near the ladder, hoping her twin would get back before Miller came back from speaking with Roma's parents.

After a couple minutes of Y/n waiting for Octavia to hurry with the grounder, Miller was coming back inside the dropship, then taking sight of one of the Blake twins leaning against the ladder. The boy immediately suspected something was up when the girl began talking to him, keeping him away from the ladder. Y/n's plan to keep him busy and distracted, however, failed as Miller had stormed past her and up the ladder, Y/n right on his heels as they climbed into the room.

"Octavia, get the hell out now." Miller demands when he saw the other twin.

"Bellamy's not even here." Octavia argues.

"Get out, or he gets the beating I've been aching to give him." Miller threatens, raising his voice.

"Okay, I get it. I'm gone." Octavia assures.

With that, she grabs her jacket, climbing down the ladder after her sister had climbed down first once watching the interaction between Octavia Blake and Nathan Miller. The girls soon found themselves at the bottom floor of the dropship, hearing the chatter from outside.

"What are we gonna do?" Y/n questions.

Octavia sighs. "I don't know, but I'll figure it out."

Later in the day, the chatters around the camp could be heard as the sun continued to hide behind the slightly white, yet grey clouds that laid in the light blue sky. The camp was getting cleaner and cleaner as time passed by, the campers continuing to work to clean up their home they've been living in for the past week or so.

The Blake twins found themselves sitting near the dropship, both trying to think of ways on how to get the grounder out and back into the woods. Octavia was sewing some wool while Y/n was sharpening a knife she held in her hand, a knife that she had gotten from the dropship as her own knife was with a certain blue eyed, brunette boy.

Jasper suddenly sprints to the sisters. "Octavia? Y/n." The sisters look up at him as he stops in front of them. "I think I'm going crazy, or the grounders are here, or I'm going crazy, or--"

"Okay. Just slow down. Just tell us what you saw." Octavia soothes, placing the wool down.

As Y/n places the knife down from where they were sitting, Jasper was about to open his mouth but stopped himself as he was looking a few feet away from them. The twins took notice of how his eyes widen, his whole entire body shaking from where he was looking.

"Him." Jasper whispers in response.

Sharing a glance, the girls follow his gaze, expecting to see someone standing there as what Jasper supposedly saw but there was no one standing there. The only people near the spot where he was looking were the campers, but they weren't paying any mind to the three as they held a conversation with whoever they were speaking to.

"Jasper, there's no one there." Y/n tells him.

"He's right there!" Jasper exclaims in fear, causing everyone to look over at him in confusion. "We have to run. Why isn't anyone doing anything--"

"Stop it. Shut up." Octavia interrupts, grabbing his arms. "Jasper, are you on something?"

"I love you, and I just want you to know this. We're all gonna die soon, okay? I love you." Jasper admits, staring right at Octavia.

As he spoke, Y/n took notice of the nuts he was clutching in one of his hands. Glancing to her sister who also seemed to notice it, Y/n took the nut from the Jordan boy's hand, glancing between the food and him questionably.

"Is this all you've eaten today?" Y/n asks.

Jasper nods. "It is, but who the hell cares now?"

"You're totally bombed." Y/n comments.

"Hey, relax. Here, buddy. Take this." Octavia says, handing the boy a stick that she picked up from the ground.

"It's a stick." Jasper observes, glancing to her with a look of confusion.

Octavia shakes her head. "No. This is an anti-grounder stick. So as long as you hold this and you sit right here, grounders won't be able to see you. See?"

"Yeah. Makes sense." Jasper agrees, sniffling. "I'll just stay right here."

The boy didn't even notice that the twins had looked over at the bin where everyone was placing the bags full of nuts inside, the same nuts Jasper had been eating. They share a knowing look before Octavia walks towards the bin, grabbing a bag without being noticed and heading to the dropship, glancing back at Y/n who gives her a nod while she stayed with Jasper to comfort the boy.

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇 𝗆𝗎𝗋𝗉𝗁𝗒Where stories live. Discover now