2| "𝗁𝖾 𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝖻𝖾 𝖽𝖾𝖺𝖽."

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The only colors that could be seen was green, brown, black, the blue sky and the bright yellow sun

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The only colors that could be seen was green, brown, black, the blue sky and the bright yellow sun. The birds could be heard in the air as they flew around, chirping and cawing all around, adding to the chirps of the crickets that hid in the tall green grass. The large statue of Lincoln's village could still be seen, along with the Blake twins. Hours had gone by since Lincoln had left the twins together, instructing Y/n to watch out for any grounders that could walk by and spot them as they were right near the entrance of his village.

However, her plan hadn't gone the way she planned. Since hours had gone by, Y/n's eyes had been fluttering open and closed the entire time until she passed out from exhaustion. Octavia was also passed out, but luckily, she was still breathing. The sword laid in Y/n's hand as her head was resting against the trunk of a tree, her eyes closed. She only opened it when she heard the sound of struggling just across from her. Opening her eyes, she reaches up and rubs them, getting the tiredness out of it.

When she opened them again, Y/n's eyes widened upon seeing the situation in front of her. A man with a long beard was crouched beside her twin as he held the back of her hand, his other hand gripping her chin. Octavia's mouth was closed, almost looking like she was being forced to hold something in her mouth. Instantly standing up, Y/n caught the man's attention as his head snapped to her, seeing the grip on her sword tighten.

Octavia's eyes fluttered closed as she seemed to have passed out once again. The man stood up right as Y/n lunged at him, swinging the sword. He was able to dodge, reaching out and gripping her wrist when she swung the blade at him again. He spun her around until her back was to his chest, a hand going over her mouth and nose. However, Y/n was able to kick him in the shins, making him let go of her.

Shoving him back, Y/n starts rushing towards her unconscious twin who continued to lay where she had been before. However, the man's hand grabbed her arm and pulled her back. And the next thing Y/n knew, a hand was over her mouth and nose and her vision was slowly going black.

A few hours had gone by since the Blake girl passed out due to the grounder. Y/n didn't expect her eyes to open and see the statue like she had seen before. She thought she'd be dead considering who she encountered before. Letting out a grunt while sitting up on her elbows, the girl glances around in hopes of seeing Lincoln back so they could get away from his village before her, Octavia and him would be caught by his people. What she didn't expect was to feel a hand on her shoulder.

Spinning around in her sitting position, there, hand on her shoulder, was Octavia, now awake. Y/n's eyes widen, instantly wrapping her arms around her sister since the last time she saw her was when that grounder had a grip of her face. Octavia immediately hugged back as they both sat side by side.

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇 𝗆𝗎𝗋𝗉𝗁𝗒Where stories live. Discover now