7| "𝗁𝖾 𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍 𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗄𝖾𝖽 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗀𝗁 𝗆𝖾."

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The underground parking lot was dark as it was pretty hard to see anything

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The underground parking lot was dark as it was pretty hard to see anything. The only lights that could be seen were the flashlights the group held in their hands so they could see better as they ventured around. The Blake siblings dispersed from the two guards as they went in one direction.

Bellamy was soon motioning to a door before they were rushing over to it. Just as they get there, the sound of screams fill their eardrums, making their heads snap over to the sound, recognizing it as the guards deep voices screaming out in, most likely, pain. Sharing glances, the siblings were rushing over to the sound, Christmas music soon filling their ears as they kept an eye out.

Sneakily, they crouch behind an abandoned vehicle, glancing around in front of them, but no one was in sight. Bellamy even tried calling out for Scott or the other guard, but he got no response in return. Sharing a look with one another, Bellamy held up his gun in case of any threats as the three of them slowly started walking forward.

Octavia and Y/n kept a tight grip on their swords, ready for anything that was to come their way. Seeing one of the guns the guards had, they crouch down beside it as Bellamy puts the pistol he had in his pocket, grabbing the bigger gun just as Octavia notices something across from them.

"Guys, what's that?" Octavia whispers in question.

Turning in the direction she was looking at, the other two siblings flash their lights, Bellamy aiming his gun, seeing two reapers crouched in front of one of the lifeless guards as they ate him. Seeing the lights shining in their direction, the reapers snap their heads to the source, growls escaping them.

Bellamy immediately pulls the trigger on the bigger gun he had grabbed when the reapers started running in their direction. Eventually, they laid dead right in front of the Blake siblings, bullets dented into their bodies as it was the cause of their death. Hearing more munching to their left, the Blake twins exchange a glance before Y/n was nudging their brother.

Catching sight of a pistol laying on the floor, Bellamy bends down, checking for bullets before he handed it to Octavia when he saw it did have bullets. Reaching into his pocket, he hands the pistol he previously had to Y/n before they were aiming the guns in the direction they heard the other sounds coming from.

Walking forward a bit, they soon caught sight of a lifeless Scott laying on the ground, a reaper crouching just above him as it ate his guts just like the other two reapers had been doing. Bellamy cocks his gun, about to shoot but Octavia grabs his wrist, stopping him.

"Don't." Octavia instructs just when the reaper lifts his head, gaze stopping on the siblings. "It's Lincoln."

The other two Blake siblings share a glance before looking back at the reaper, seeing it was, in fact, Lincoln. Guns still held tightly in their hands, they found themselves stepping back as they watched Lincoln stand up, gaze still trained on them. Octavia's voice could be the only thing that was heard as the tried to get through to her lover, but it didn't seem to be working. Suddenly, Lincoln was sprinting to them, pinning Octavia to a pillar before he was throwing her onto a car before turning to the other siblings, his hungry gaze trained right on them.

However, just as he steps forward, a gunshot echoes through the garage as Lincoln jumps, turning around to see Octavia standing there, her gun aimed right at him as she had been the one to shoot. Seeing he was distracted, Bellamy lunges at the reaper, using the butt of his gun to hit the back of his head, knocking him out almost instantly. Quickly, Bellamy rushes to Octavia, grabbing her arm as he brings her with him, gently pushing Y/n forward as they run off, stating they needed to get somewhere safe and away from the reapers.

For about a minute, the Blake siblings found themselves running around to find a hiding spot. Eventually, Bellamy was opening up the trunk to a vehicle, gesturing for his sisters to go first. Y/n was the first to get in, Octavia following with Bellamy being the last one. For a couple minutes, they were all sitting their, hiding as Octavia's breathing was fast and heavy, still in shock from the sudden sight of her lover being a reaper.

"He's a reaper? How is that even possible? He just looked right through me." Octavia rambles in a whisper.

Bellamy quickly shushes her at the sight of Lincoln walking around outside the vehicle their in. The reaper lets out a loud grunt, causing Octavia to let out a quiet gasp as they stare at him through the window. His eyes were right on the window, seeming to stare back but he wasn't doing anything.

"Did he see us?" Y/n asks quietly.

Bellamy shakes his head. "I don't know."

Bellamy pulls both his sisters closer as they watch Lincoln snarl, placing the palm of his hand against the window before he was walking off, letting his hand slide down with squeak. Y/n and Bellamy exchange a concerned glance before they were looking back at Octavia who seemed to have been trying to hold in her heavy breathing.

"O, just listen to me. We'll get him back. I promise." Bellamy reassures.

A few more minutes go by until Bellamy was opening up the door to the car, getting out himself before his sisters get out, closing the door behind him. Once getting confirmation from Octavia, Bellamy gently grabbed Y/n's arm as they hid behind the car while Octavia stepped out, calling out for Lincoln.

The said reaper soon revealed himself, beginning to storm to Octavia who's back soon met against the wall. Coming up from behind him, Y/n roughly kicks him behind the knee, sending him right to the ground before Bellamy uses the weapon he grabbed from the ground that the guards had, electrocuting Lincoln until he was laying unconscious in front of them.

"Now what?" Y/n questions.

"Now we take him home." Bellamy replies.

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇 𝗆𝗎𝗋𝗉𝗁𝗒Where stories live. Discover now