4| "𝖡𝖾𝗅𝗅𝖺𝗆𝗒."

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The sun was hiding behind the clouds as it always seemed to be on earth

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The sun was hiding behind the clouds as it always seemed to be on earth. The chirps of birds and crickets filled the air in the woods, adding to the occasional snaps of twigs that echoed throughout the air as people's foot met the sticks, breaking them in half. About a day or so had gone by since the Blake twins had a fight against the reapers in hopes of getting Lincoln back, but he hadn't been in sight. Since then, Indra had more respect for the twins after they had helped her and her people get their own people back from the reapers.

The Blake twins currently found themselves in the forest as gunshots were ringing through the air. They found themselves near the grounders as they were shooting arrows at a group by the edge of a cliff. Making sure to keep cover, the Blake twins found themselves hiding behind the bushes as they listened in on the shouts and gunshots. However, the gunshots had came to an abrupt stop as they came closer and closer to the sounds, making sure to be ready for anything that could come out at them.

As they looked through the bushes, Y/n's eyes widened at the familiar sight of a face. Monroe, who had been one of the one hundred, had an arrow lodged into her thigh as she was crouched in front of two boys before moving to help them as they had been holding onto a rope that looked to be made out of seatbelts, the edge of a cliff just right in front of them. Octavia soon noticed the familiar face and they exchanged a glance before Y/n was looking back at the group, deciding to get closer. As she did with Octavia right behind her, they both recognized the other two boys.

Seeing that arrows and spears were still coming down and towards them, Y/n found herself grabbing the horn from the holster on Octavia's side. The same horn that Lincoln had used to save their brother and a few other people from their camp when he had gone looking for them. Quickly, she blows on the horn, the arrows and spears soon stopping. The Blake twins watched as all the grounders retreated, thinking the acid fog was about to come and kill them all. When they were further away, the twins started coming out of their hiding spot just as they noticed an all too familiar face.

Getting closer to the group, relief and happiness filled them at the sight of him. The others helped him and a girl up. Cuts, dirt, sweat laid all over his face just like everyone else's faces in the group. The unfamiliar girl crawled away from the edge of the cliff, stumbling a bit as he was pulled up the rest of the way, the seeming makeshift rope that they had made out of seatbelts from the wreckage all around wrapped around him.

"Bellamy." The Blake twins call out.

At the sound of their voices, the groups heads all snap in their direction, seeing them staring at him with relieved and happy smiles. Bellamy Blake's eyes widen at the sight of his sisters before he was standing up, saying something to Finn Collins who was part of the group. The Blake siblings all walked towards each other, meeting halfway as they shared a group hug with one another like they always did. Soon enough, they were pulling away where Bellamy pulled his little sisters close to him on each of his side as they walked back over to the group.

As they did, the Blake twins greeted Finn and Monroe with small nods. Minutes later, Bellamy was wrapping the unfamiliar girl's arm, showing that she clearly had injured it when they saved her from the cliff. Octavia was knelt down in front of Monroe, trying to stop the blood from her arrow wound on her leg. Finn was kneeling beside a bin, looking at a map. And Y/n was by the cliff, staring down at all the wreckage.

She tried to keep her eyes away from him. She could hear his footsteps behind her, even hearing his voice as he spoke to Octavia, commenting about the foghorn and Lincoln and Octavia had only told him he was gone when the brunette asked about him. She couldn't help but tense when she heard footsteps slowly heading in her direction. She could only hope that it was either Bellamy or Octavia. She didn't know what to say to him.

"What a sight, huh?" His voice rings through her ears.

The Blake girl closes her eyes, a sigh beneath her breath escaping her. The whole time, John Murphy had been staring at her. He couldn't pry his blue eyes away from her. Ever since he had left after blowing up the top of the dropship back at their camp, she hadn't left his mind. Even when he was getting tortured by the grounders during the small war against his own people, she was stuck there.

Y/n nods, crossing her arms. "Yeah, I guess."

She still doesn't look at him as he stops right beside her, being very close like they had been the last time they saw one another. Both couldn't help but remember the time their lips would crash together and move in sync. Where they could be themselves around each other. Hold each other in their arms. Steal glances at one another from the other side of the camp as they worked. Kissing by the small lake her and Octavia had found when they'd sneak out of the camp when Bellamy wouldn't notice and would be too busy.

Deciding to finally look at him, she slowly turns her head to her left, seeing he had already been staring at her the entire time. They found themselves facing each other, staring into each other's eyes, not daring to look away. One of Murphy's hands come up, brushing a small strand of her hair behind her ear. When she and Octavia had revealed themselves, he couldn't help but silently gush at the sight of Y/n. Part of her hair was a bit braided like Octavia's as well. Even with the slight dirt, cuts, bruises and the bit of sweat on her face, she still looked beautiful.

His hand slowly came to her cheek, the pad of his thumb caressing her skin, getting a bit of dirt on it from his hands. Since they were feet away from the others, the others hadn't seemed to notice their moment as they focused on other tasks. Leaning his head forward, the blue eyed boy rested his forehead on hers, his hand still cupping her cheek. Seconds go by as they continue staring at one another.

With a shaky hand, Y/n places her hand over his that was still cupping her cheek, wrapping it around his. She took notice of the frown that came on his face when she lowered his hand away from her cheek, still holding onto it. As their hands slowly released from one another's, their fingers brushed against each others before the girl stepped back and walked back to the others, feeling his eyes following her the entire time.

"The grounders will be back, so we need to go, now." Octavia announces as she stands up.

"Yes, we do." Finn agrees while the Blake siblings walk over to him.

"Octavia says the arrow might be poisoned. I have to take them home." Bellamy tells him.

Finn nods, handing him a map. "I know."

"I'll meet you as soon as I can." Bellamy assures.

"I know." Finn repeats.

After that, the Collins boy was jogging off down the pathway to his left, a bag in one hand and a large gun in the other.

"Parting, such sweet sorrow, right?" Murphy comments, beginning to follow Finn.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Bellamy asks, causing him to stop and turn around.

"Come on. Bellamy, you know if I go with you, they'll just lock me up again." Murphy reminds.

Y/n's eyes widen a bit at the mention of him being locked up, but she wasn't surprised. The Blake twins watch as their older brother grabs the gun in front of him, tossing it over to the brunette who checks the ammo. Octavia was the only one to give her brother a look as if to silently tell him he was crazy for doing that, but Bellamy ignored her look, looking to Murphy.

"Watch his back." Bellamy instructs.

Taking one last glance at the only person he cared for out of everyone here, the brunette turns around and runs off, trying to catch up with Finn. As he leaves, Bellamy turns around, seeing the same look Octavia had been giving him.

"I can't get them home without you two." Bellamy informs.

Y/n finally looks to him. "Of course you can't."

"Let's go." Bellamy replies.

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇 𝗆𝗎𝗋𝗉𝗁𝗒Where stories live. Discover now