9| "𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖼𝖺𝗆𝗉'𝗌 𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗏𝗂𝗇𝗀."

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Bellamy and Y/n had been watching as Clarke wrapped Lincoln's leg up after she was able to tend to it

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Bellamy and Y/n had been watching as Clarke wrapped Lincoln's leg up after she was able to tend to it. The hit of rain filled their ears as it hit the dropship, letting the three at the top of the dropship know that it was raining. Bellamy had an arm around his little sister's shoulders as he gently examined her wrist, waiting for Clarke to finish. While the blonde had been wrapping the reaper's leg, Bellamy had his sister sit on the floor as he crouched in front of her, tending to the blood that had been dripping down her face and to her hairline.

Eventually, Clarke had finished up, crouching beside the boy as she looked at the girl's wrist. Lincoln had thrown Y/n very roughly to the other side of the room that it caused a headache to come and her hand slammed down onto the floor as well. Not fully knowing what happened to her wrist as the Blake girl claimed it hurt to use weight on it, the blonde was wrapping her hand, assuring Bellamy who was incredibly concerned for his sister that her mother would check on it when they'd go back to Camp Jaha.

"Your mom would be proud." Bellamy tells the blonde.

Clarke sighs. "My mom would know how to save him."

Just then, the sound of the hatch opening filled their ears, making them look over and see Octavia climb back up. However, what they didn't expect was for someone else to follow. Y/n recognized it to be Nyko as Bellamy didn't hesitate to grab his gun, cocking it while he aimed it at the grounder. Quickly, though, Octavia rose her hand as she stepped in front of her and Y/n's friend.

"Bellamy, don't. He's Lincoln's friend and their healer." Octavia informs.

The three girls all crouched beside Lincoln as his body began shaking again, foam forming out of his mouth, showing that he was seizing. Bellamy let Nyko walk by him as the grounder grabbed a bottle of liquid. Bellamy kept the gun in his hand as they all watched Nyko take off the lid, tipping it over Lincoln as he said something in their language. As a drop begins to drip off the bottle, Clarke's brows furrow before her eyes widen, quickly bringing her hand beneath the bottle, letting the drop fall on her hand.

"Wait!" Clarke exclaims, causing Nyko to unsheathe a large knife.

Bellamy cocks his gun. "Back off. Right now."

"Yu gonplei ste odon. It's what they say before death." Clarke realizes. "He's not trying to heal him. He's trying to kill him."

"Nyko? Is it true?" Octavia asks.

Nyko nods. "Yes. Death is the only way."

"Hold on. There could be a way to bring him back." Y/n insists.

"None that I've ever seen." Nyko denies.

"We have to go. The camp's leaving." A voice announces.

Snapping their heads to the sound, they turn to see that Finn had climbed up the ladder. At the sight of the person who killed his people, Nyko shoots up, lunging at the Collins boy and pinning him to the wall, wrapping his hands around his neck. Octavia tried intervening, claiming that he was gonna kill him.

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇 𝗆𝗎𝗋𝗉𝗁𝗒Where stories live. Discover now