17| "𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗆𝗂𝗌𝖾𝖽 𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖽."

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The sound of birds chirping was loud, the sun shining high in the blue sky as the occasional wind blew by, causing the waves of the ocean to speed up every so often as it soaked the sand that laid in front of it on shore where two people from the ...

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The sound of birds chirping was loud, the sun shining high in the blue sky as the occasional wind blew by, causing the waves of the ocean to speed up every so often as it soaked the sand that laid in front of it on shore where two people from the Ark could be seen, laying on the sand, not caring about getting the sand in their hair since they were already dirty enough as it is, ever since they landed on the ground with the rest of the one hundred. The e/c eyes of Y/n slowly opened, having to squint when the sun got right into her face.

On her left arm, her entire sleeve of her jacket and the wrap that Jaha had wrapped around her arm the night before was covered in blood, showing that the red substance had soaked through her clothing and the wrap. Unfortunately, the pain was still evident in her arm as she let herself sit up, resting on her good arm while glancing around the beach she was on.

The feeling of an arm around her made her stop from getting up to her feet as she looked behind her against the boat she had been sleeping near, seeing Murphy was peacefully sleeping with his arm around her. She couldn't help but let her e/c eyes examine his sleeping face, taking notice of the dirt and cuts that she hadn't notice before since they were so busy going through the dead zone and finding the City of Light that Jaha was so insistent on finding after he heard about it.

The Blake girl could only guess that her face looked just like the boy's. Looking away from the brunette and up at the lighthouse they had seen in the darkness through the fog when they made it shore and on the water, Y/n used her good hand to shake Murphy's shoulders, figuring they should go check it out instead of waiting on the beach for Jaha to come back without knowing how long he'd take.

His head snapping up as her soft voices echoes throughout his ears, Murphy blinks repeatedly before his eyes look up at the girl, listening to her speak about how they should get going. After a couple seconds, the Murphy boy stands up, helping Y/n up but being careful of her arm. As they ventured further from the beach and close to the trees, plants they hadn't seen in so long ever since they left with Jaha to the dead zone, the two glanced at the garbage and rocks all over the ground as Murphy wrapped Y/n's good arm around his shoulders, remembering how she stumbled a bit when she stood up. She had lost a lot of blood.

Just then, the sound of his foot stepping on metal made them stop as their heads snapped down. After unwrapping the girl's arm from his shoulders, making sure she wouldn't pass out from the blood loss of anything, Murphy leans down and wipes the sand away, revealing a solar panel had been buried in the sand. With furrowed brows, Y/n stares at it, remembering they had saw something similar when they first saw the droid after getting through the minefield they almost died on.

When the sound of whirring filled their ears, their heads snap up as they squinted their eyes through the trees. Rushing to the girl and placing her arm around himself again, the two were walking forward until they stopped in front of a big metal door where the sound had been coming from. Using his free hand to bang on the door, Murphy waited for someone to answer but there was nothing. Stepping back to let him open the door, Y/n took a glance down at her arm, hoping someone or something that could help her fix her arm would be in wherever they were heading into.

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇 𝗆𝗎𝗋𝗉𝗁𝗒Where stories live. Discover now