12| "𝖨'𝗆 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝖺𝖿𝗋𝖺𝗂𝖽."

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In the Ark, in their room, Bellamy held a younger Y/n on his back as he speed walked through their room, both Y/n and Octavia's giggles being heard throughout the whole entire room

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In the Ark, in their room, Bellamy held a younger Y/n on his back as he speed walked through their room, both Y/n and Octavia's giggles being heard throughout the whole entire room. Their mother, Aurora, sat at the table, occasionally glancing at her kids with a small smile.

The oldest Blake sibling had been giving his sisters pony rides, as they called them, through the whole room, a smile on his face. After a minute, Bellamy places Y/n back down on the floor, the girl landing beside her sister.

"I want another pony ride." Y/n tells her brother.

Octavia nods in agreement. "Yeah, me, too."

"You both want another one?" Bellamy asks, receiving excited nods. "Okay, you guys want to go through the jungle or the forest?"

The sisters share a knowing look. "We want to see the Ark, Bell. Take us out the door."

"That's enough. All three of you." Aurora demands, intervening just as a buzzer goes off. "It's time."

"But-- No. We don't want to!" Octavia argues, squeezing her sister's hand. "How do you even know?"

"Yeah, mom, tell us how you're never surprised by surprise inspections." Bellamy adds, his voice filled with annoyance as he already had a thought.

"Mind yourself, Bellamy Blake." Aurora replies. "Tell your sisters what happens if they find them."

"They know what happen. You've told them a thousand times." Bellamy reminds as he moves a table, opening up a panel from the floor. "O, y/i. You both know the drill."

"I hate the drill. We both do." Octavia states, Y/n nodding in agreement.

"Sometimes I wish I was never even born." Y/n admits, looking down at her feet.

Aurora grabs her daughter by the arms. "Stop it, Y/n. I know you're afraid, you both are, but fear is a demon. Close your eyes and tell yourself that you are not afraid. That is how you slay the demon."

Just then, a loud and deep voice is heard from the other side of the door, the male's voice being muffled. At the sound of the guards, the sisters start to panic.

"Say it." Aurora instructs.

"I'm not afraid." The sisters repeats.

Nodding in response, Aurora kisses her daughters foreheads before slightly pushing them forward. However, Octavia runs to the beds, grabbing her stuffed animal and Y/n's while the banging continues.

The sisters quickly go in their hiding place, Bellamy closing the hatch before placing the table back to it's normal position, the chair following. The boy nods at his mom, watching as she opens the door, letting the guards inside their room.

"Miss Blake, by the authority of the council, we're here to perform a random inspection." A guard informs.

"Inspector Grus, it's good to see you." Aurora greets.

Glancing down at the floor, Bellamy's eyes land on a piece of string from Y/n's stuffed animal. Trying to act normal, he sits on the chair, placing his foot over the string as he looks at the tablet screen in his hands.

"Your uniform's ready. There you go. Just like new." Aurora tells the inspector, handing him a uniform. "Do you have something for me?"

In the corner of his eyes, Bellamy watches as Inspector Grus places his hand on his mother's butt, squeezing it. The boy rolls his eyes, looking back at the tablet while Aurora purses her lips at his actions.

"Bellamy's letter of recommendation." Aurora reminds.

Inspector Grus sighs, looking to Bellamy. "You think you're guard material, kid? Come here. Let's have a look at you."

In response, Bellamy glances between his mother and the man, hesitating as he knew if he stood up, then his sisters would be caught right now.

"I'm good, thanks." Bellamy replies.

"Bellamy. Stand up. Now." Aurora demands.

"I don't think so." Bellamy protests.

"You want to be in the guard or not?" Inspector Grus questions, not getting a response. "Come here. Three seconds."

Just as the man starts counting down, Bellamy glances at a tool box laying on the table. An idea comes to his mind as he stands up, purposely knocking the box off the table, then taking a glance down at the hatch, seeing the string more hidden.

"Bellamy! I'm so sorry, Inspector." Aurora says.

"Don't be. Maybe the guard will make a man out of him. Clean that up." Inspector Grus orders.

Obeying, Bellamy crouches down, beginning to pick all the tools up from the floor as the guards start leaving the room, Inspector Grus whispering something in Aurora's ear before following in suit.

"I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid." The sisters continue to whisper as they hugged each other while they hid.

The sisters continued crawling forward through the small hole, hearing the squeaks and quick feet of the rats around them, but not being able to see the small creatures.

"I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid." The sisters whisper to themselves.

The two girls continue to crawling forward, murmuring those three words over and over again. Eventually, Y/n falls out of the hole and to the ground, landing on her back, now finally outside. Not bothering to get up, she scoots over, letting Octavia crawl out.

The girls pant heavily before Octavia gets to her feet, helping her sister up, the two heading off while Y/n limped, the brunette helping her sister along the way. The two jog through the forest, Y/n limping along the way.

All of a sudden, they hear the sound of a scream, making them stop. Suddenly, they were both grabbed from behind, their screams being cut off by a pair of hands, no doubt being a grounder. The girls watch as a girl from their camp, Roma, runs forward, their eyes wide.

Their eyes widen even more when a spear is thrown in her direction, stabbing Roma right through the chest, the girl flying back and being pinned against the trunk of a tree. Frantically, Octavia glances around in search for anymore grounders, remembering they did that exact same thing to Jasper on their first day down here.

The hands that covered the girls mouths were released before they were suddenly picked up from the ground by the same person, being led away somewhere else.

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇 𝗆𝗎𝗋𝗉𝗁𝗒Where stories live. Discover now