7| "𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖿𝖺𝗎𝗅𝗍."

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It had now been night time again, and all the teenagers had gotten out of the dropship as the fog had finally been gone so they could breath outside again

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It had now been night time again, and all the teenagers had gotten out of the dropship as the fog had finally been gone so they could breath outside again. Seeing Clarke finally back, they rush out.

"It's about time. They're gonna kill Jasper." Octavia informs as stop in front of Clarke.

"Did you get the medicine?" Y/n asks.

"Yeah. I got it. Come on. Let's go talk." Clarke says, beginning to pull Octavia away, knowing the new news wouldn't hurt Y/n like it would Octavia.

However, her plan didn't work out as Y/n noticed her brother and walked towards him, wrapping her arms around his torso, feeling him hug back. Octavia also noticed and begun walking towards her siblings, also noticing something behind them.

"Octavia, just stay there. Please, stay back." Bellamy instructs.

Octavia ignores her brother as she pushes out of her grip, kneeling down beside the body that laid on a wooden bed that had been made up, which what Bellamy and Wells were carrying inside the camp. The Blake girl lifts up the jacket as Bellamy wraps an arm around his other sister, all of them watching as Atom's lifeless face was revealed to everyone, making the crowd gasp. Instantly, tears pricked Octavia's eyes.

"There's nothing I could do." Bellamy tries.

Octavia raises her hand, palm facing him. "Don't."

She looks back down at her lifeless boyfriend before lifting the jacket back over his face. Standing up, she walks off, ignoring her brother and sister's calls to her. Bellamy sniffles a little, turning back the youngest sibling, only to look at Murphy when he sees him walking over.

"Lose anyone here?" Bellamy asks.

"No." Murphy replies.

"Jasper?" Bellamy questions.

"Still breathing. Barely." Murphy informs. "I tried to take him out, but your psycho little sisters--"

Bellamy instantly cut him off by grabbing the boys collar and shoving him back roughly, catching everyone's attention as they looked over at them. Murphy had yet to notice the hurt look on Y/n's face at his words.

"My what? My what?" Bellamy yells in his face.

"Your little sisters." Murphy corrects himself, pushing Bellamy off of him.

"Yeah, that's right. My little sisters." Bellamy states, nodding. "Got anything else you want to say about them?"

"Nothing. Sorry." Murphy replies.

"Get him out of here." Bellamy orders some boys, pointing at Atom.

Murphy finally looks at Y/n, seeing her staring at him with the hurt expression. Immediately, his eyes soften up when his blue eyes meet her e/c ones.

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇 𝗆𝗎𝗋𝗉𝗁𝗒Where stories live. Discover now