12| "𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝗎𝗌 𝗍𝗈 𝗐𝖺𝗍𝖼𝗁."

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Only a few hours had gone by since the incident as the group had witnessed Finn Collins surrendering himself to the grounders before they took him away

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Only a few hours had gone by since the incident as the group had witnessed Finn Collins surrendering himself to the grounders before they took him away. Torches could be seen where the grounders were, adding to the lights on the Ark in Camp Jaha and the moonlight that shined down on all the citizens. The shouts of the grounders could be heard, the crickets chirping in the tall grass and the hooting of owls as they stood on the branches of trees in the woods.

The demeanor was filled with devastation and anger. The anger belonged to the grounders as they held it towards Finn Collins and the devastation belonged to the sky people, realizing that they were just about to lose one of their own people. By the gate, the sky people in Camp Jaha could be seen as they had crowded the place, watching the grounders ahead of them.

By the front, Y/n could be seen standing in-between her brother and Murphy, her arms crossed as she rocked back and forth on her heels a bit. In the line they had made, Clarke, Raven and a few others could be seen. They all watched as some grounders put up a large wooden pillar that was no doubt for Finn. The sky people were going to watch the grounders torture and kill one of their own people eighteen times for the eighteen people Finn Collins had killed with bullets in Lincoln's village.

"What is that?" Raven asks, eyes on the pillar.

"It's for Finn. They want us to watch." Clarke realizes.

"We're gonna get him. We'll get in close and we'll hit them hard." Bellamy declares.

Kane shakes his head. "Son... there's thousands of them. Even if we could kill hundreds, they'd still wipe out this camp and your friend would still die."

"Well, we have to try." Y/n insists, cutting in.

"Abby." Raven begins, looking to the said woman. "Abby, we have to do something."

"No, Raven." Abby denies through a soft voice.

Arms still crossed, Y/n took notice of her brother sharing a glance with Clarke before he was turning around and walking back. She glances over her shoulder, seeing the two leaders of the one hundred walking side by side, Raven trailing behind them. Looking back forward, she found herself now standing in-between Murphy and Kane. Eventually, Bellamy and Raven were coming back to the group just as Y/n and Murphy take notice of Clarke walking up to the grounders, causing them to share a slightly wide eyed glance.

Y/n sent a confused, yet wide eyed look to her brother who only gave her an assuring look in response, softly wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Meanwhile, Clarke continued walking down the pathway, slowly beginning to walk past the grounders as they all stared right at her. By the end of the line, Indra stood with a spear, watching as the blonde stopped right in front of the sharp end of the weapon, her stomach touching the blade.

"I'm here to talk to your commander." Clarke informs.

Not saying a word, Indra continued to glare right at the teenager just as Clarke sucked in her stomach a bit at the slight pain. A small bit of blood could now be seen on her shirt, showing that Indra had stabbed her just a bit with the spear, showing that she wasn't gonna listen to whatever she had to say like she always did.

"Let me through." Clarke demands.

"Let her pass." The commander's voice calls as she walks out of her tent.

Keeping her eyes on the girl, Indra moves the spear away, moving it upward and stabbing it right into the ground. All the grounders and the sky people watch Clarke walk past Indra, soon stopping right in front of the commander who had been staring at her the entire time.

"You bleed for nothing." The commander states. "You cannot stop this."

Clarke shakes her head. "No. Only you can."

Suddenly, loud shouts could be heard as it filled their eardrums. Clarke and everyone in Camp Jaha snapped their heads to the source of the sound, seeing some grounders making their way out as they led Finn with them. The Collins boy had chains around his wrists as he glanced around, meeting Clarke's eyes almost instantly. Meanwhile, in Camp Jaha, Raven frowned at the sight of the boy she still loved, watching as they shoved him towards the pillar the grounders had set up just minutes before.

"Show my people how powerful you are. Show them you can be merciful. Show them you're not a savage." Clarke pleads.

"We are what we are." The commander replies.

Taking notice of the movement in the corner of her eye, Clarke slowly glances to her right, seeing Finn was now at the pillar as his back met the object, the grounders pulling his hands behind the pillar and chaining up his wrists so he wouldn't escape. As that went on, Finn Collins had been staring up at the crowd in Camp Jaha and the sky, a look of realization coming onto his face, knowing his time was up.

He was gonna die.

"Then I'm a killer." Clarke blurts out. "I burned three hundred of your people. I slit a man's throat and watched him die. I'm soaked in grounder blood. Take me."

"But Finn is guilty." The commander denies.

Clarke shakes her head. "No. He did it for me."

"Then he dies for you." The commander tells her.

Every single person in Camp Jaha were either staring right at Finn or Clarke, waiting for what was to come next. Finn was still staring upwards as he waited to be tortured eighteen times until he was dead. Y/n could hear Raven mumbling something as she stood on the other side of Bellamy, almost sounding like she was encouraging Clarke to do something. Taking in a deep breath, Y/n kept her eyes forward as she subconsciously took Murphy's hand in hers, seeing him glance at her in the corner of her eyes. Not saying a word, Murphy tightened his grip on her hand, refusing to let go.

"Can I say goodbye?" Clarke questions.

The grounders around stared at their commander, wonderng what she would do. Clarke was quickly making her way to Finn when the commander nodded at her. Everyone watched as the jogged to him, cupping his cheeks and pressing her lips to his. They all watched as they rested their foreheads against one another's after they pulled away, words leaving past their mouths before the blonde was almost hugging the boy. From where she stood, Y/n could see Finn's face scrunch up in pain a bit as he whispered something to Clarke.

Everyone stared at them as Finn's head slowly dropped onto her shoulder before she was slowly pulling away, causing his head to drop even more. Their eyes widened at the sight of a knife in her hand, blood over her hand and the blade. Red liquid had seeped through Finn's shirt, showing that she was the one who had done it. As she turned in the direction of her people, the grounders went to attack her but the commander was quick to stop them, claiming it was already done.

The first thing that had been heard right after that was the word 'no' being screamed out of Raven Reyes' mouth as she stared right at the boy she loved, tears escaping her eyes and down her cheeks. Being the one beside her, Bellamy was quick to catch her when she stumbled back, both falling to the ground as he tried to soothe her. The word 'no' continued escaping past her lips, loud and heavy sobs being followed right after.

Finn Collins was dead.

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇 𝗆𝗎𝗋𝗉𝗁𝗒Where stories live. Discover now