8| "𝖨 𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗍 𝗁𝗂𝗆."

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The old camp that the one hundred used to stay at was quiet, skeleton bodies being seen in a pile as they used to be grounders that had been burned alive during the first war against the grounders and the sky people

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The old camp that the one hundred used to stay at was quiet, skeleton bodies being seen in a pile as they used to be grounders that had been burned alive during the first war against the grounders and the sky people. Like before, the grass could hardly be seen as it had been replaced with ash. The sun was shining high in the sky, glowering down on the people that could be seen at Camp Jaha. However, the Blake siblings weren't there. Instead, the Blake twins could be seen on the top floor of the dropship.

The now reaper Lincoln was tied up, his hands on either sides, the same way that he had been when Bellamy and the others had found them and Lincoln had stabbed Finn. Octavia was sitting near the ladder just as Clarke's head pops up while Y/n was pacing back and forth. The blonde gets up the rest of the way and Bellamy was soon after. As he got up, Clarke jumps back a bit when Lincoln let out a loud growl, trying to lunge right at her but couldn't since he was tied up.

"It's okay. He's been restrained." Bellamy assures.

Clarke shakes her head, eyes still wide. "I can't believe we're back here again."

"Can you help him?" Octavia asks.

"I don't know." Clarke truthfully replies, stepping forward. "I knew Mount Weather controlled the reapers. I had no idea they were creating them."

"If they can do that to Lincoln... what are they doing to our friends?" Bellamy questions.

At his question, the group of four all share a nervous look before Octavia was standing up, stopping beside her sister. For about a minute or so, the four all stared at Lincoln as he tried lunging at them, letting out loud growls while doing so as the Blake siblings had their flashlights shined on him, considering the dropship was pretty dark. Just then, Lincoln stops his growl, his entire body beginning to shake.

"He's convulsing." Clarke observes.

"So, what does it mean?" Y/n asks.

Clarke shakes her head, examining the reaper. "What happened to his leg?"

"I shot him." Octavia admits.

"Clarke, he's lost a lot of blood." Bellamy reminds.

Turning away from Octavia and back to the reaper, the blonde steps forward, jumping when he tried lunging at her again. The Blake siblings continue to watch as the Griffin girl stares at him before instructing them to try and shine on his neck. Doing as told, Clarke focuses on the side of the reaper's neck as Lincoln moves his head to the side upon the lights being flashed right in his eyes.

"Needle marks." Clarke points out.

Bellamy raises a brow. "You think he's been drugged?"

Clarke shrugs. "Maybe."

All of a sudden, Lincoln was grabbing ahold of the blonde as the chains attached to the wall had broken off. Shouting her lovers name, Octavia rushes forward, but was pushed back, her back meeting the wall. Y/n quickly sprinted forward, grabbing Lincoln's arms in hopes of getting his grip off of Clarke's head.

However, the reaper grabbed ahold of her shoulder, throwing her on the other side of the room in the dropship, her back roughly meeting the wall and the floor, a cry of pain escaping her. Bellamy was next as he roughly punched Lincoln's arm, but the reaper grabbed ahold of his neck, headbutting him which sent him back as his grip released from Clarke.

The blonde fell to the floor, all of them backing up when Lincoln got the chains off his shoulders and neck, trying to reach for them as he fell to the floor but they were all out of his reach. Frantically getting to his feet, Bellamy grabs the guards weapon-like stick as he sprints to the reaper who got out of his chains that was attached to the floor.

Lincoln was able to pin the Blake boy to the floor, stopping him from attacking him as he sends punches to the boy's face, clearly overpowering all of them at the moment. Clarke rushes forward, but was sent back against the floor when Lincoln punched her in the stomach.

Y/n was next, ignoring the pain she felt in her hand and head as she sent a rough kick to Lincoln's face. Doing it again, the reaper grabbed her foot, harshly pushing her back, which sent her down, a slight roll as she was practically thrown again. Octavia was last as she slammed a pipe in Lincoln's back, making him stop punching Bellamy and look up at her. Just as he goes to attack, the pipe meets his face, sending him unconscious as he falls beside Bellamy. Louds pants could be heard throughout the entire room as the four glance at one another while also glancing at Lincoln.

Before Lincoln could wake up, the four gotten the chains, attaching them to the floor as they put it over them. As they did that, Y/n couldn't help but sigh as her brother insisted Clarke looked at her hand and her head as a blood had slowly been dripping down from her hairline after she was thrown to the other side of the room, but the Blake girl protested, claiming they needed to focus on Lincoln.

The reaper was soon awake as Bellamy and Y/n held Lincoln's injured leg down when Clarke instructed them to. Octavia opened up a canteen full of water, trying to give some to her lover but instead, she let out a cry of pain as she stumbled back. The others stared at her in concern, but she ignored them, grabbing the canteen.

"I'll get some more." Octavia assures them, closing the lid before she stands up from her crouched position.

Bellamy stands up as well, stepping in front of her. "O. Once the drug is out of his system, he'll be okay."

"You can't protect me from this one, big brother." Octavia replies.

With that, she steps around him, climbing down the ladder and out of the room, leaving her brother, sister and Clarke inside to stare at her retreating figure with looks of concern evident on their faces.

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇 𝗆𝗎𝗋𝗉𝗁𝗒Where stories live. Discover now