15| "𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗂𝗌 𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖽𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗒."

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The wind was strong in the dead zone, the sand blowing all around in the nighttime air and around the civilians who lived up in space for years until they came down to earth weeks ago

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The wind was strong in the dead zone, the sand blowing all around in the nighttime air and around the civilians who lived up in space for years until they came down to earth weeks ago. Like how it's been for the past few days or so in the dead zone, the only thing that could be seen was sand. No trees, dirt, water, nothing. Just sand. Fortunately, for the group of survivors being seen walking through the desert, the scorching sun wasn't shining down on them like it had been earlier like every single day.

Instead, the dark clouds blended in with the night sky, covering the moon and the stars that the youngest Blake sibling always enjoyed looking at whenever nighttime came out after landing on earth with the one hundred as the owls were hooting in the trees in the forest around their old camp they had made after days of landing on the ground and celebrating before realizing they hadn't be alone and grounders lived in the same place with them.

Continuously licking her dried lips, wishing she had her canteen full of water to soften up her dry throat, Y/n dragged her feet through the sand as she walked near the front with Murphy at her side. A while had gone by, about a day or so, since they had met Emori and helped her out, only to get everything stolen and for Y/n to get knocked out when she and her friend had robbed them.

The occasional look of annoyance crossed Murphy's face a few times as one of the men in the group, Harris, made jokes that no one even laughed at. All Murphy wanted to do was to punch him in the face to get him to stop, but Y/n's hand in his told him not to, knowing that it wouldn't be best to fight out in the dead zone when they had nothing to defend for themselves from each other or anyone else.

"It'd sure be nice to have some sign that we're not just marching to our own deaths." A member of the group states with annoyance.

"We're not." Jaha assures.

"Hey, tell me if you know this one." Harris begins.

Murphy rolls his eyes, sighing. "Not again, please."

"A grounder and a reaper walk into a bar. The bartender looks to the grounder, he says, 'we don't serve your kind around here'. The reaper gets up and leaves." Harris continues, laughing to himself as he glances at the quiet group who didn't laugh with him. "You get it? Reapers eat grounders."

"I will take Jaha's staff and beat you to death with it." Murphy threatens.

"John." Jaha calls out in a warning.

"Or this one." Harris insists. "Uh, an arker, a grounder, and a mountain man walk into a bar. Arker says, 'I'll take some moonshine'. Grounder says, "I'll take some, too'. The mountain man, he says--"

All of a sudden, the joking man is cut off by the sound of an explosion, causing everyone to be sent back a few feet away. Lifting her head from the ground, Y/n's e/c eyes slowly open up to see smoke around just as pieces of a body falls to the ground, pieces of Harris' body. Feeling something on her face, she reaches up to see that Harris' blood on her.

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇 𝗆𝗎𝗋𝗉𝗁𝗒Where stories live. Discover now