Chapter 2 - Four Fifths

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I originally wanted to call this chapter Tuna Roll Tsundere but it sounds kind of disgusting lmao, maybe I'll call a chapter that in the future anyway nothing too important this time lets get into it! (By the way, these opening sections are written before I start writing, so important stuff is usually in the end section)


You lead the way to the cafeteria with Nino following a distance behind you, she seems to be embarrassed about that whole ordeal from earlier, you stop for a few seconds to let her catch up. As soon as she did she unexpectedly spoke up

"Hey, are you well known around this school?" she asked

"I mean maybe, I'm not really sure and I don't really care to be perfectly honest, why do you ask?"

"Well those guys from before seemed intimidated by you, are you a delinquent or something?" 

"No, I'm not, but I've been in a fight or two, so I just have a reputation I guess"

"I see" She mutters. I don't pay too much attention to it because we just then arrive at the cafeteria. I notice I see Nino scan the room and eyes lock on to a particular table.

"W-well thanks for bringing me here I guess, bye" she huffed and then walked away to an area of the cafeteria. 

You watched her walk away for a few seconds and looking at all the boys eyeing her as she walked past, you let your gaze go and went to go and grab some food, you grab a tray and join the end of the line when you feel a tap on your back.

"Excuse me" the voice said, you turn around and there's a girl with pinkish short hair looking at you with a smirk on her face, she looks familiar but you swear that you've never seen her before. 

"Uhhh Hey, is there something I can help you with?"

She leaned forward "I saw you walking into the cafeteria with Nino earlier, do you like her?" the girl asked quizzically.

"Well that's one way to start a conversation" I laughed "Tell me your name first at least before you start diving into my love life"

"Ara.. So you do like her?" she smirks. Looking at the stunned expression on my face she laughs "I'm Ichika, Nino's sister, well one of 4 of her sisters at least"

"Nice to Meet you Ichika, and you mean to tell me you're Quintuplets?"

"Yes we are... umm what's your name?"

"Y/N, and to answer your earlier question, no I don't like your sister, we just share morning classes and she was being pestered by guys so I offered to walk her here to save her the trouble"

"Ara Ara... How gentlemanly of you" She teased

We then both had to pick out our food each, you engaged in small talk with Ichika while moving through the cafeteria

"Well this is my stop" she said as we arrived at a table consisting of Nino, a girl with bunny ear like ribbons and another girl with headphones around her neck. You noticed as soon as you arrived Nino put on an angrier expression than before. 

"Let me introduce you to everyone" Ichika insisted "The girl with the headphones is Miku, the third sister" Miku looked at you and waved so you did the same and told her your name, you guess she isn't much of a talker, you thought to yourself.

"That's Yotsuba, the fourth Sister" Ichika said pointing to the girl with a big grin on her face. "Hi-Hi, you said your name was (Y/N) right?, well it's nice to meet you" she said that all smiling from ear to ear, this girls positivity was like a blinding ray of sunlight which was nice, I feel like I'll get on well with her.

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