Chapter 17 - Hot Spring Heartache

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Hot Spring? Yep, it's time Nino Bros. That's all, Enjoy :)


Third Person Perspective.

With only one room available, the girls and Fuutaro all had no other choice than to bunker down in this tiny inn room in the middle of nowhere.

"This place is pretty nice!" Fuutaro said with his hands pressed firm against his hips. There was a a supernatural glow radiating off of him, so much so that the others were being blinded.

"So when do you think this idiot is gonna get off of his travel high?" Nino asked sarcastically. She took a quick scan of the tiny room. "Wait, isn't this the size of a 4 person room? How are we all meant to stay here?" She crossed her arms, already seeming tired of this place. "And there's no way I'm sharing the same room as him!"

"We don't have any other options, unless you feel like sleeping in the snow" Miku blankly said.

"Y/N is rubbing off on your too much, it's gross" Nino objected.

"Gross? I thought that would make you like me more if I was more like him" Miku smugly replied.

Hook, line and sinker. Miku was the second coming of Y/N and had the same effect he did on Nino now, she faintly blushed in embarrassment and started to hastily scroll through her phone.

"Gah! This place has no service, ....I can't even contact Y/N......" She angrily said to herself. Ichika overheard but decided against her typical teasing routine as it was clear to her how true Nino's feelings towards Y/N were and she really missed him.

For one reason of another anyway, Fuutaro was in surging spirits but not everyone else was enthusiastic as he was. Nino was doing a majority of the complaining, especially about sharing a room with Fuutaro and to be honest they were all a bit sceptical of Fuutaro in his current state as they'd never seen him so full of life.

Regardless, they all ordered food and Ichika checked out a brochure of the inn.

"Hmmm..." Ichika quizzically scanned the paper in front of her. "Oh, there's a hot spring here apparently!"

"Really!" The girls all exclaim in unison.

"Ah..." Ichika continued

"What is it?"

"It's mixed...."

The girls all recoiled in surprise and let out an audible gasp together.

"Huuuuuuuh! First we share a room and now we need to share a bath with him too!" Nino said, practically screaming across the room, the entire inn could probably hear her.

"That's unacceptable!" Itsuki joined in on her sisters objection.

"That's just how it is apparently" Ichika shrugged

Nino screwed up her face and turned to Fuutaro. "You!" She pointed her finger out at him.  "You bathe later, we're going now!" She ordered.

"Fine, if that's what you guys want, I'll stay here instead" Fuutaro complied without any further confrontation and reduced himself to a corner of the room.


Nino POV

You and the girls all made your way to the hot spring, upon arriving there was no one else's stuff anywhere so it looked like it was just going to be you 5 which was a big relief.

Uesugi had been acting too giddy for your liking ever since you all got here and you got the impression that he would strike in the night, he was a man after all.  As much as you liked Y/N, Uesugi was just such a different story. No matter what, you would never like that guy but for Y/N's sake you try to keep it as civil as possible.

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