Chapter 9 - Bathtub Secrets

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Start of the Sleepover Saga, as I'm writing this the story has hit 1k reads so that's super sick. Thanks everyone for sticking around, support is what drives me forward after all, enough outta me tho, it's once again Nino Time (And some quality time with 2 other Quints)


Today was a day like any other before it, you walked to school after leaving at such a time to get into class pretty much on the bell. For some reason, since you had woken up a feeling of dread had wrapped its arms around you, like something bad was about to be revealed today, but so far it seemed just like any other day. Until you entered your class.

You look at the board at the front of the room and see in huge letters: MIDETERMS APPROACHING. Judging by the looks on your classmates faces, no one was thrilled by this revelation either, people were goofing off as usual, some were frantically studying and then there was one particular girl in the back of the room looking at you with laser sharp focus. You approach your seat, and turn to the girl.

"Nino... what the hell are you doing? Have I finally captured your heart or something?"

She simply points directly at you, her nail almost making contact with your face.

"You, You're helping me study for the midterms" 

"Well, yeah, I am your Tutor, that's what I'm there for"

"No you dummy, I mean now, and when we're in class together!" 

She was being super assertive today which, you don't mind one bit.

"Fine Ribbons, you win, just give me a sec to unpack my stuff"

You unpack all of your necessary equipment and textbook, the teacher had allowed for quiet studying while she goes over any topics that people don't understand. Considering you weren't struggling in school, you didn't need to pay too much attention and could instead dedicate your time to Nino. After putting a single earbud in, you join your desk with Nino's. 

"So, ready to begin?"

You don't hear a response from her so you look up to see her pouting and crossing her arms.


"Take your stupid earbud out, how are you meant to teach me if only half of you can hear me"

"Relax, it's just a Lo-Fi playlist I have on low volume, I use it to study all of the time, you have my full attention"

"W-Well in that case, let me use the other one" again, said very demandingly

You looked at her, dumbfounded.

"Weren't you just scolding me about the earbud two seconds ago, you're being more contrasting than usual" 

"S-Shut up, just give me the earbud idiot"

You sigh in defeat and hand her the other earbud.

"Okay, so what do you want to start with?"


"Sure thing, we'll go with biology" You flick through the science textbook for a moment before finding questions to ask her.  "Alright, we'll start off light, How many bones are there in the Human Body?"

She flicks through her flash cards, but from the look on her face she's just stalling for time and has no clue what the answer is.

"Is it 196?"

"Not too far off, it's 206 bones, in some cases its 213 but if your asked, 206 is more likely to get you the point"

Nino leaned back in her chair and sighed, already not off to a great start mood-wise it seemed.

The One For Me [Nino Nakano x  Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now