Chapter 18 - Call to Courage

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Quite the cliff-hanger huh? Day 2 of the field trip continues as things begin to unfold around Y/N....  Enjoy 


"Hey, Dad..."

Everyone in the room jumped back, what you said was completely un-expected.

"His father?" Itsuki asked to no one in particular.

"But I thought he hated him..." Yotsuba said puzzled.

"That was his Step-Father not his biological father" Miku confirmed.

"Oh, right"

Ignoring the commotion that was happening beside you, you fell back onto the bed and faced the ceiling, waiting for your dad to say something back.

"Hey Son"

"What is it dad?, it's rare for you to call"

"I'm gonna be in your area in about a weeks time so I just thought I'd give you a little heads up"

"Oh sure no problem, do you need to stay at my place?"

"Nah don't worry I'm staying with a contact in town"

"So you're hooking up with a woman?"

"Why the hell should I tell you that!, you're too nosey just like your mother was"

You let out a small chuckle. "How long are you planning to stay for?"

"Maybe a couple of weeks, then I'll be off again"

"For an ex-barber, you really cant sit still can you pops..."

"Yeah well there's a reason I quit the shop, sitting in a dinky barber shop isn't how I wanna live... anyway I've got to go back to work so I'll come by your house sometime next week"

"Cool, see you then pops"

"Love you son."

"Y-Yeah, same"

"What's the matter, no love for your old man?"

"Nah it's not that, I just have company..."

"Oh. I didn't realise you had a girlfriend"

"When the hell did I mention a girlfriend! I'm on a field trip." 

Your dad was laughing loudly on the other end of the line. God he was so embarrassing sometimes... It didn't help that everyone else in the room was staring at you.

"A Field Trip huh, well don't get into any fights Y/N"

"Can't promise anything" You said a bit quieter.

"Well if Fuutaro's there he'll take care of ya so I ain't gotta worry"

"Yeah he is here, anyway get back to work or you'll be fired"

"Ha, you're right, speak soon son"

Your father hangs up and you let out a deep sigh and put your phone back in your jacket pocket. 

Interlocking your fingers behind your head, you close your eyes and go deep into thought, for about 7 seconds.

"Are you just gonna leave us on a cliff-hanger like that?" Fuutaro spoke up.

"Huh, it was a private conversation between son and father why should I tell?"

The looks on everyone's faces dropped in disappointment from their own built up anticipations. You couldn't help but laugh out loud.

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