Chapter 1 - The Day It All Began

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I'm gonna try and give this writing thing a go, I don't know if I'll do a good job or how this will turn out but that's what makes it fun. I'll try to be as consistent as possible with this series, but it isn't going to stick to the exact same as the series as after a certain point it will probably divide into its own thing with its own arcs. But if you're reading this I hope you enjoy the story you're about to read! Enough of the boring stuff, LETS GOOOOOOOO


Today was finally the day, first day of classes. You'd been cooped up at home for the last few days not really doing much besides playing videogames. As much as you didn't want to go to classes, there was unfortunately no way out of going so you just had to suck it up and leave. 

You left with some time to spare arriving a good 10 minutes before classes began so you set your stuff up inside class and left to go and find your best friend Uesugi Fuutaro, who as you suspected was practically making out with a textbook with how close he was reading it to his face. It had been a little while since you had seen Fuutaro because he didn't like to go out much and would rather stay at home studying but occasionally you went to go visit him and his family which was like a second home to you, you got along well with his father and Raiha, his little sister who was also like a little sister to you too.

"Yo, Fuutaro" You say as you put a hand on his shoulder

"Oh (Y/N) how have you been" Fuutaro replied

"Just been chilling, not doing much these past few days I tried to savour as much time as I could before we had to come back here, so you just been studying I can assume?"

"Yeah, big surprise I'm sure" he said sarcastically "Why are you worried about school though (Y/N) your grades are really good and you usually get somewhere in the Top 20 for our school"

"Yeah I know but nothing exciting ever happens at school so I'm usually counting the minutes until we leave most days"

"Understandable, anyway class is about to start and I do not wanna be late on the first day back so I'm going"

"Alright Fuutaro, always in a rush, I'll catch you later sometime"

With that you both went your separate ways due to you both being in different classes, you often felt bad because you seemed to be Fuutaro's only friend so you wished you were at least in the same class to keep him company. You did fine when it came to friends but Fuutaro was really your only close one and pretty much the only one you cared about. 

In the classroom, everyone has arrived and is seated so you head over to your seat at the back of the room, not the window seat but the one next to the window seat. There was a guy who sat at the window seat prior but he apparently transferred schools so now it was just an empty seat, you were debating on moving over to that seat when you heard the teacher make an announcement.

"Okay class, we have a new student joining us today and she can introduce herself"

Just then, a girl stepped gracefully into the room, and all of the boys in are class went wide-eyed just from the sight of her, she was beautiful. She had long pinkish, reddish hair the flowed down her back, painted nails, two butterfly shaped ribbons in her hair and a nice face and figure to boot.

"Hi, my name is Nino, Nino Nakano, It's nice to meet you all" Nino said

"Nino joins us along with her 4 sisters but they are each in a different class, alright Nino, take a seat at that empty desk near the window at the back"

"Thank you sensei" Nino said as she started to make her way over to the desk next to me, but on her way she scanned the room looking at everyone, especially the boys but didn't look at anyone specifically for too long, until she got to her desk and looked at you for about a full second. You simply just looked back at her and smiled, she kept eye contact while you smiled but her still expression did not change at all, then she turned and sat down, getting all of her equipment out of her bag.

Class went on and I thought that if she's sitting next to you, you may as well introduce yourself. 

You turned towards her "Hey"

"Hm..? What is it?"

"I just thought I'd introduce myself is all, I'm (F/N) (L/N) its nice to meet you Nino!" You  probably said that a bit more enthusiastically than intended

"Likewise" she said bluntly, as she turned back around and kept fiddling with her things.

You sat there kind of stunned for a moment, but her harsh tone didn't really bother you, you thought about offering to give her a tour of the school but considering how she just addressed you, it would probably be pushing boundaries. You sat there in class taking notes and just kind of chilling, not paying too much attention, occasionally you would glance at Nino and see her not really doing much but her business was her business so you didn't pay attention to it much.

--Nino POV--

"That guy... he's the only boy in the room who didn't look at me like a hungry wolf when I was walking to my desk. But... he doesn't seem like my type, b-but he's not bad looking j-just not my type..." She thought to herself.

--(Y/N) POV--

After some time the bell rang which meant it was the start of the lunch period so it was time for some food, you packed up all your belongings and put your backpack over one of your shoulders. You then thought it would be a good idea to ask Nino if she knew where the cafeteria is.

"Hey Nino, do you know where the Cafeteria is? I can take you there if you want?" You asked

"No, I'll find the way myself" She replied coldly

Ouch "Alrighty suit yourself Ribbons" you chuckled as you walked away. 

You thought you heard her stutter and try to call out to you after you called her that but you kept walking towards the door of the classroom. As you were about to leave you heard a commotion from the back of the classroom. You turned around to see 3 guys from the class who had surrounded Nino at her desk as she was trying to leave.

"Hey beautiful, you wanna grab lunch, I'll pay" One guy said putting a hand on Nino's desk.

"No, come eat lunch with me!" another guy exclaimed "I know the Lunch Lady I can get the food cheaper for you if you come with me!"

"Forget those guys babe, come with me instead" a third guy jumped in.

You were sick of looking at this and could see that it might have even been a bit much for Nino even though she seems so strong willed. You sighed and headed back to the back of the room.

"HEY!" You said raising your voice loud enough to be heard "Can't you guys clearly see she's uncomfortable, hit the fuckin' road already she's not gonna eat with any of you" You're a pretty confident person so they didn't really intimidate you, even if there were three of them

"Gah- (Y/N)!? Shit, uhhh sorry" One said as he scurried away awkwardly. The other two stood there for a moment as I looked at Nino and then glared at them.

"S-sorry" the both said and then ran out of the room. I kept my eyes on them until they all left and then turned back to Nino.

"You alright?"

"Y-yeah I would have dealt with those guys myself but you did the work for me" She said

"B-but t-thanks" She said quietly but loud enough for you to hear.

"Ah, it seems like I have a Tsundere on my hands, this should be fun" You thought to yourself. "No problem, so..., now you want me to take you to the Cafeteria"

"F-Fine if you really insist" She says while slightly blushing, she then storms ahead of me out of the classroom.

Maybe this year wont be so bad, you chuckled to yourself.


That's the first chapter done, nothing too heavy but I feel like it's a nice start, after writing this chapter I feel like this might be more fun than i thought, i hope it was a good read and if there's any feedback you could give in regards to my writing style and stuff like that it would be appreciated!

Hope you enjoy what's to come!

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