Chapter 25 - Quintuplet Complications

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If this list makes you mad, that sucks for you I guess lmao.

But tell me your list, I'm curious as to who my readers prefer!


"6 bags..." you grumbled as you meandered through the mall. Following behind the woman who captured your heart.

"Oh come on babe" she kissed you on the cheek. "They can't be that heavy"

"If I dropped these onto you, you would deflate"

"Then it's a good thing I have a boyfriend who's in such good shape" she hugged you. 

"You're lucky sweet talk works on me otherwise you'd be carrying half of these bags" you sighed as you re-adjusted the bags in your grip.

Safe to say that shopping was going well. Nino was buying whatever she wanted with her card that just seems like she has the funds of a GTA money glitch. Unfortunately you were stuck holding the currently six bags worth of stuff she'd bought. It was a good idea not to bring the bike as this trip would have turned into a hellscape if you had to carry all of these bags home on that thing somehow.

"What do you think about this one babe?" Nino said as she held another top against herself.

"Looks good, green is a nice colour for you"

"Really? you think so?" she questions as she stands in front of a mirror. "Would you want to see me try it on?" she smiled innocently.

Before you could even get an answer she began laughing.

"I'm kidding, let's just go and buy it" she smiled.

This felt cruel. It seemed like you had a long day ahead of you. Dinner better be good tonight...


School began nice and early the next day. It was refreshing to be walking with someone. Even if that someone treated you as a camel the day before...

"This feels weird" you say.

"What does?"

"Walking to school with someone" 

Nino held your hand and squeezed it. "It's never really sunk in that you're an only child"

"Well usually I just plug myself in with my earbuds and blast music until I see you in the morning class but now I guess I don't have to now" you smile back at her.

Doing Lovey-Dovey stuff along the way you both eventually arrive at the school gates. There wasn't any sign of the other sisters or Fuutaro.

"So what's the game plan? You going to avoid Itsuki all day?" you ask.

"Probably, unless she apologises"

"As stubborn as always I see" you scoffed.

"Let's just go! I don't want to deal with any unlucky happenings like running into her out here!" Nino stated as she marched off ahead of you inside.

 "H-hey! Nino wait up!" you called as you ran after her.



Fuutaro POV

"Oi, hurry up or we're gonna be late" you called out.

"Don't rush me!" a voice squealed from inside.

What a pain in the ass... Why did it have to turn out like this.

"Finally" you said.

Before you stood Itsuki... unfortunately. She'd decided to camp out at your house after the scuffle with Nino and you couldn't exactly say you were thrilled. She ate more than all of your family combined but at least she did help clean.

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