Chapter 5 - Test of Talent

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As I'm writing this, I've just published the first part of the series! Thanks to everyone who's read it so far, it means a lot to me. Enough talk tho, it's Nino Time Boys!


"Alright Girls," Fuutaro stood before all of the girls in there apartment with test papers in hand, you stood behind him as you were the back-up, in case any of the girls tried something again. You did wonder if any of the girls had gotten curious as to what you got out of this coming to tutor them too. Admittedly at first you just did it to be a good friend and help Fuutaro, and while that's still true,  you also recognise you're here for Nino. You've started to get a grasp on your feelings towards Nino recently, maybe not enough to say you outright 'like' her, but you're definitely interested and curious to see where you can both go.

"I made each one of you a test for today, split equally between the subjects, if you get above 60%-"

"Make it 50%" you interrupt "It shouldn't be any problem for them at 50 if they're so insistent on not needing a tutor" You smirked. "Right Girls?"

They all grumble slightly and look away from me and Fuutaro.

"That's fine by us, but I think you're both underestimating us!" Nino said proudly. 

"Lets just hope that confidence carries over to your grade" 

"As I was saying..." Fuutaro cleared his throat to get our attention back on him, "If you get above 50%, you pass, and Myself and Y/N will never come back to Tutor you, or bother you ever again!" 

The girls all look at each other in silence, then at us.

"I think we have a deal" you think to yourself, crossing your arms

Fuutaro hands each of the girls a test and also set one in front of you.

You looked at him slightly confused but could guess his intentions.

"Why are you also giving one to Y/N?" Miku asked, clearly puzzled

"Y/N hasn't seen the test either, so he is going to take it with you, same questions and everything". He then turns towards me "You've been slacking on your own studies Y/N, so I'm having you prove yourself worthy to be a tutor" You open you mouth to defend yourself "And before you say anything" Fuutaro cuts you off, "Actually try in this exam, you would have a much higher ranking if you put your all into every exam you took". You looked away from him, defeated and embarrassed. Nobody knew you better than Fuutaro and you knew that he was right, you never took exams seriously and never tried, so you always floated between the top 10-20 ranking. 

"I get it, I get it man, have I gotta only got 50% or what?" You asked, already probably knowing what he was going to say next.

"I want you to get above 90%!" Fuutaro looked sternly "That's the only way you're continuing to come here with me.

The girls all gasped in unison


Third Person Perspective

The girls all watched you both in shock. The realm of 90% was a fairy-tale to them.

"Uesugi is kinda harsh on Y/N don't you think?" Yotsuba whispered to the others

"Mmm apparently they've known each other for years." Ichika said in response, attracting the girls eyes

Itsuki put her glasses on. "How do you know that Ichika?"

"It's obvious just due to the way they act around each other compared to us, but I asked a boy in my class if that was the case, he didn't really know either of them too well but everyone has known they've been friends for a while"

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