Chapter 14 - Tension, Love & Pride

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Yo Guys!

Its Non-stop Nino November so I got a new chapter for ya,

Now I'm actually planning the chapter rather than just winging it, so things should be more consistent and all that type of stuff

Without further ado, Chapter 14! Please enjoy!


There was no denying you were somewhat nervous about the day ahead, it was 11am, you were meeting Nino in an hour. Too bad your bike was still in the repair shop for almost two months now, what was even taking them so long anyway. Regardless, you had to focus on looking good for today. You wore a grey t-shirt with a red open button shirt over the top like a stand in jacket. Luckily it was still decently warm so you didn't have to dress too bulky. You were wearing some black jeans and some  all black and red shoes to go along with it. You did your hair as best as you could and it turned out pretty okay for once so you decided to just roll with it. You decide to check your and Nino's messages from last night to go over the plan again.


<Hey did u get home ok?>

                                                                             <Yeah, just got in>

<so what about tomorrow>

                                                                              <Lunch and a movie, meet at 12?>

<sure, see u then>


You noticed she was pretty blunt over text, barely seemed like the same girl.

The time was 11:40 and you were just about to leave when you received another text from Nino.


<can you come to the apartment, there's a slight problem>

                                                                                      <I can make it, what's up?>

<get over here and see for yourself dumbass, and hurry>


You immediately bolt out of the door but realise it's gonna take long to actually get all the way to the Pentagon by public transport, so you call a Taxi.

Within 15 minutes, you arrive at the apartment, to see....

Fuutaro lying on the floor with a pillow under his head, there was some red stuff around his mouth. Yotsuba and Itsuki kneeling by his side. Nino was standing by his feet.

"Woah, I gotta admit this is not something I expected to see today" you say, approaching the group.

"Y/N!?" They all say in unison

"Last time I checked that was me, so what happened?" you say crouching by Fuutaro's side.

"H-He has a fatal illness that if he moves he dies!" Yotsuba exclaims.

"Don't be stupid, there's no way something like that exists" Nino retorts

You deadpan and look Fuutaro in the eyes, you can pretty much read the bullshit clean on his face, but you figure he must have a reason for doing all of this. You give him a subtle wink.

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