Chapter 28 - Love is Like Coffee

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"That went well... I think" Miku said as she sipped her drink.

"Surprisingly I felt like we might actually do it this time" Nino responded.

Fuutaro joined the table. "Let's just pray that all the time we spent studying the last two days paid off in those exams"

"He's right" you added. "All we can do now essentially is hope and pray. Until then we live it easy"

"So what happens now? What's everyone going to do for the rest of December?" Ichika asked as she leaned on the lunch table.

"My track competition is in a few days!" Yotsuba exclaimed.

"That's still happening?" you questioned

She nodded firmly. "I talked it out with the team. I'm not just going to let them lose, I'll help them win the tournament after I finish the exams. That was our deal"

"Fair play. I'm sure with your skill you'll easily win"

"Thanks!" she beamed.

"So who's next? Miku what about you?" you asked.

"Me?" her eyes subtly shifted towards Fuutaro's direction to see if he was paying attention.

"You don't have to have an answ-"

"I want to try and cook" 

"You're still at this?" Nino rolled her eyes. "Every time I let you cook it always ends up looking like something that could kill a person.

"They're not that bad" you contested.

Nino shot you a look as if to say "What are you talking about? It's terrible"

Miku sighed. "I don't even want to ask what you're doing Nino, because it's probably some couple stuff with him" she glared at you.

"Actually I'm going to be looking for a part-time job" you said.

"Really?" Itsuki said shocked. 

"What about that commercial money you got with Ichika?" Miku smugly asked

"I need experience too"

"Nino could give you that" Ichika teased.

"HEY!" Nino shouted.

"That'll come at a later date, right babe?" you winked

"Maybe, If you think you can handle me" she licked her lips.

"OKAYYYYY. Itsuki, what about you" Fuutaro changed the subject as quick as he could.

"Keep studying I suppose"

"Is that it? Even I'm saying you can take it easy for a while"

"I know, but If I really want to become a teacher, I'll have to keep studying"

"Don't bother trying to change her mind" Nino interrupted. "She's the most stubborn of all of us"

"You're one to talk..." Fuutaro said under his breath.

"What was that?" Nino snapped.


"Ichika. What are you going to do now?"

"I have more work lined up for when we go on break"

"That's only in about 2 weeks right?" Miku said.

"Yeah, then we get a couple of weeks to ourselves" you said as you leaned back in the chair. 

"Hopefully it snows around Christmas" Yotsuba added.

"I hope so too"

"You like snow Y/N?" she tilted her head.

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