Chapter 20 - I Love You

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Happy 6 Month Anniversary The One for Me!!

The Conclusion of the Field Trip arc is here! Not gonna waste your time with this one, I hope you enjoy the last day of the Field Trip, and the day before the future :)


"Global warming my ass, it's freezing" you complained as you found yourself on top of a hill absolutely covered in snow. It was the final day of the field trip and for some reason, Skiing was the activity you all chose to do. Snow was everywhere and the temperature was in the minus, cold weather was really not your favourite you were much more of a summer person.

"Y/N, don't be silly, we're here to ski and I'm here to teach you!" Yotsuba boasted putting her hands on her hips.

As much as you weren't a fan of a cold, poor Fuutaro seemed to be taking it a lot worse. He looked green almost.

"Hey man, are you gonna be okay for this, I mean no offense but you don't exactly look like you'd be fit for any physical activity let alone skiing" you say to Fuutaro.

"I'll be fine" he deflected.

You'd learnt by this point not to press Fuutaro so you just let him be, he's a big boy he can handle himself.

"By the way, why are we the only 3 here? where's everyone else?" you asked Yotsuba.

"Ichika's feeling under the weather and Itsuki's taking care of her" 

"She got ill on the last day, damn that sucks"

"Yeah, anyways Nino already knows how to ski so I don't need to teach her..."

So she DID know how to ski, I'll be damned.

"And Miku..." Yotsuba paused for a moment. "Ah there she is!"

Both you and Fuutaro turned around to see Miku? or what you could only assume was Miku wrapped up to her fullest waddling her way through the snow ever so slowly.

"Who are you?" Fuutaro said as he got in Miku's face.

"Miku" she stated as she opened her visor embarrassed.

Upon Fuutaro's confusion, you and Miku both let out a synchronized sigh. Yotsuba literally just said it and he still got confused.

"Now that we're all here we can begin Yotsuba's Incridible Skiing Instructions!" she cheered waaaaay louder than she needed to, drawing the attention of several other students nearby. 


After a while, you'd started to get the hang of skiing and you could go, stop and turn pretty naturally, you weren't doing backflips anytime soon but it was a good start anyway. Fuutaro and Miku on the other hand were not picking up anything at all from Yotsuba. After a while you decide to split off from the others and go and find Nino and hang out with her instead.

Eventually you see her with a group of her friends, you hadn't really talked to her friends much before but you weren't going there for them so it didn't matter to you.

You slide down and start to approach the group.

"Hey! Nino!" you shout as you were coming down the hill. Her and her friends all turned towards you. Being as careful as you could you managed to almost come to a stop right in front of Nino, but she did have to catch you a little bit to stop your momentum.

"Thanks..." you sheepishly said.

"Well if it isn't Prince Charming" one of the girls said.

"S-Shut up!" Nino protested

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