Chapter 3 - The Calm Before The Calamity

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I just wanted to put Calamity in the Title because as of the time of writing this JoJolion finishes in 2 days and I'm not ready. As stated previously this is a shorter chapter about (Y/N) and his home life and some stuff to get to know him. I considered making this a Nino x OC fanfic but I feel like I'd go crazy with it and just make the OC, the Ultimate Irresistible Human or something so this is how I'm doing it. Anyway....


Your house was about a 5-10 minute walk from school, so it was not much effort in the morning to be on time. You arrive at the front door, put the key in and open.

You lived alone completely, no Mother or Father anywhere to be seen, no siblings either but you did have uncles and cousins and stuff but they all lived in Tokyo. You liked living alone, it's better than how you lived a few years ago anyway and now you have control of your life.

Your Mother was ill a few years after she gave birth to you and unfortunately passed away. Your biological father and mother had their differences so they split up when you were young, but they didn't have any bad blood between them and just thought it would be better to split. Your Mother soon remarried to another guy but he was a complete asshole. But he is a story for another time. You had people helping you out along the way growing up and eventually ran away to where you are now. Your father is a wealthy man but not rich so he gives you money every now and then. You've known Fuutaro and his family for round about 3-4 years now and considered them a second home when times were tough. You met them when you ran away to this area when you were 14. Although, you knew his father from when you were a kid as he was friends with your mother and real father. So you lived with them for a while before living on your own starting at 15.

Occasionally you would see your real dad but it had been a while as he was just getting on with his life and you both respected each others space. Your stepdad you haven't seen since you ran from home and hopefully will never see him again, otherwise you'd probably beat him senseless.

Speaking of, you had a decent build, not a gym maniac by any means but you went enough to keep your body in good enough shape so you did have good muscles and decent abs, but working out wasn't something you boasted about.

You also drove a motorbike, it was your Dad's old one and you had your license so it all worked out, occasionally you would drive around the area or if you went somewhere that was a decent distance you would ride but you had always wished to have a future girlfriend on the back of it, just one of those cool dreams people have. But at the moment, it needed repairs, so you haven't driven it in a while.

It was a while before you felt the need to cook dinner, you could cook, but it wasn't anything special, you just knew how to not starve but wanted to get better at cooking because you enjoyed it a lot.

A few hours later it was night time when you receive a call from Fuutaro.

"Yo Fuutaro, everything good?"

"(Y/N) I need to speak to you tomorrow morning before class can you meet me at the library a bit earlier than usual?"

"Sure thing man, no worries, but nothing bad is happening right?"#

"Nah Don't worry my family hasn't gone under yet, I just need your help with something"

"Aye don't say that man, you know you guys are like my family, but cool, I'll catch you in the morning"

After hanging up you laid back on your bed, looking at the ceiling, then closing your eyes and drifting off to sleep.

The Next Day 

As per Fuutaro's request, you got to school 20 minutes early and left your bag in class as you wandered down the halls towards the library. You stepped into the library and saw Fuutaro sitting down with one hand over a fist covering his mouth, like he was in deep, deep thought.


"Yo" Fuutaro said with a stern look on his face.

"Uhhh, Did someone shit in your cereal this morning? what's with the stare?"

"ahh sorry, look I need to ask for your help with something important, that's what I wanted to talk about today"

"Hit me with it"

"I have a tutoring job that pays 5 times over..."

"and how does this involve me exactly? you want me to buy you a medal or something?"

"No, five times over because it's 5 people at once" he sighed

"You want me to break the ice?" I asked "It's the Nakano's right?"

"Wha-  how did you know?" Fuutaro said shocked

"Fuutaro, I'm just good at these sorts of things, plus I met 4 out of 5 of them yesterday.  The only one I didn't meet was Itsuki? I think that was her name" I replied, twirling a pen in between my fingers

"Yeah.. I might have made a bad first impression on her..." Fuutaro trailed off as he said that and his gaze went from me to the window.

"It's all good man, you need my help, I'm there for you" Fuutaro looked back over at me and opened his mouth

"And before you ask how much should I pay you, keep it for yourself you dumbass, I'll come for free" You said before he could even get a word in.

Fuutaro looked puzzled but knew it was futile to question me. He sighs "Alright, we start this afternoon" Meet me here after school and we'll go together"

"You got it chief, I'll see you later" you then made my way out of the cafeteria and towards the morning class where you saw Nino looking out the window. You stood in the doorway of the classroom for a moment, looking at her, then went to your desk.

"Good Morning Nino" 

"Hm?, Morning" she bluntly replied, turning back around to face her desk.

You Smiled "Same old, same old I suppose."


As I said previously, this was gonna be a short in-between chapter so sorry about that. Next one will be the longest yet, (as of writing chapter 7 anyway lmao) I'm trying to get used to writing longer chapters as I myself wouldn't want to be reading a chapter for 1 minute and be done.

Next Time is the start of studying, and the beginnings of new feelings...

See You Then!

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