Chapter 15 - Dance With Me

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Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening or Night whoever is reading this, hope you've been good. Well now you're back here, another chapter, more Nino fantasies, it's what the heart desires right?. Anyway, enough stalling hope you enjoy :)


"So guys! Who's excited for the field trip that's coming up!?" Yotsuba pumped her fist into the air excitedly. There were about two days before the actual trip began but no one was near the level of excitement that Yotsuba was, everyone was just sitting around the sofas talking.

Fuutaro sighed a big sigh. 

"Dude, what's the matter with you?" You ask him

"I got assigned as the executive committee on that test of courage that's happening at the field trip"

"Really? I wouldn't have expected you to do something like that, maybe you're finally spreading your wings, oh how my little Fuutaro has grown" You laugh.

"Dumbass, I told you I was assigned, not volunteered. My class forced it on me when I was solo-studying"

"Wow, that sucks"

"Hey! Is anyone even listening to me!? Uesugi, I already said I'd help you with the test of courage!" Yotsuba said flailing her arms in the air to get our attention.

"Honestly I don't see much reason to be excited for it" You reply.

"But Y/N, did you know that there's a legend tied to this trip?"


"No not bigfoot, I'm talking about the campfire legend" Yotsuba said holding her hands together like she was about to start praying. "It's said that you'll be bound by fate for life to the partner you dance with at the finale of the bonfire dance that takes place on the last day."

"It sounds really romantic" Ichika adds.

"Yeah It does" Nino agrees.

"Right? So aren't you guys excited?" Yotsuba says holding Nino and Ichika's hands.

"Yeah I guess so" Ichika smiles.

"W-Well I guess I am just a little bit..." Nino trails off, you could have sworn she looked over at you for a brief moment but you just thought your eyes were playing tricks on you.

Miku remained quiet throughout the conversation, Instead just continuing to play Zelda Breath of the Wild on the Switch.

You slap Fuutaro on the back. "Ay, hear that Fuutaro, if it has to do with fate, maybe you'll meet the girl in the pict-" You're cut off by Fuutaro grabbing your lips and holding them closed so you couldn't say another word. The girls looked on in confusion. Fuutaro looked into your eyes so deeply it felt like your soul was being shunned. "Showwy" you barely manage to get out.

"Dumbass" he says as he releases you.

"Fuutaro, what was Y/N talking about, do you have a secret crush?" Nino edged forward on her seat seeing as the opportunity to have some more dirt on Fuutaro had arrived.

"No wonder you two are so compatible, you're equally as dumb and annoying as each other" 

"HEY!" Nino and You both say in sync. You look at each other and laugh.

"Wait, Yotsuba, why are you so excited about this legend? Is there something you're not telling us?" You question.

"E-Eh!, No way, I just thought it!" She says in her best attempt to deflect.

"That's right, you need a partner, has anyone found a partner for the dance yet?" Ichika asked the group. Every soul in the room remained silent.

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