Chapter 19 - Home Run

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It's been a while... (again) let's just get straight into the chapter



The time had finally come for the test of courage. God, whatever was going to happen within the next hour or so was looking like hell any way you thought about it. The sky had completely gone dark as night had now begun, meaning the test of courage had opened.

Looking around, you notice the Quintuplets apart from Yotsuba were all helping to clean up from the Curry and Rice activity that everyone had just done, they all seemed to distracted by this so you used this as your chance to slip out of their sight. 

A group of people were standing a few meters ahead of you, not before letting out a sigh, you walked over to that group.

"So you didn't chicken out after all!" Kaito turned around to your sudden arrival.

"I already told you, I intend to go through with this, let's just go already" you said as you left the group of Kaito and his lackeys as quickly as you came. Kaito was following right behind you as you both lined up to be put into the test.

A few people went before you both, couples mostly but obviously you weren't going with your High-School sweetheart like you wanted to.

Finally you both were let in after some questionable looks from the teacher attending the event.


There was literally no vibe of anything scary on the entire trail.

"This really sucks" Kaito bluntly said after a few minutes of walking.

"Something we finally agree on"

"Heh" he meekly chuckled. 

You both knew what you were about to do, and to be honest, a fight like this should have happened a long time ago. 

You hated Kaito, but usually you weren't the type to hold grudges. What you felt towards Kaito couldn't even compare to what you felt towards your Stepfather, he was on an entire different level of hatred, just the mere thought of him made you sick to your stomach but Kaito was just more of a strong disliking if anything.

As you continued to walk past all the shitty decorations you finally arrived at a split pathway. You both stood there for a moment wondering what to do.


A guy in a blonde wig and a clown mask jumped out of the tree above you both. It didn't faze either of you so you both stood there deadpanning the guy until he dropped himself down.

"That was terrible" Kaito put.

"The worst" you agreed.

The boy stood there dumbfounded. But behind you, you could make out the sounds of shuffling in your direction, there was definitely someone sneaking up on you right now. You decided to wait until they got closer, Kaito didn't seem to notice them at all. As the person got right behind you, you quickly spun around to face them before they could get in their jumpscare.

Immediately, you recognized it as Yotsuba, her entire face wrapped in bandages besides some of her trademark hair sticking through, unfortunately however she seemed to already be mid-scare when you turned around so her momentum ended with her crashing past you as you managed to sidestep her, she fell past you but your caught her by wrapping an arm under her stomach and lifting her back up, you made extra sure to not let your arm go any higher...

"Sorry..." Yotsuba nervously laughed.

"Hang on" Fuutaro said, as he took off his mask and revealed himself. "Why are you both together?"

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