Chapter 30 - New Years

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Late again... what a surprise I'm sure. Enjoy!


The air was cold and snappy this morning, it was 10:27am. It's the morning of New Years, and as planned you were going to meet Nino and her sisters up at the shrine at 10:30. 

You tapped your foot anxiously as you waited for them to arrive.  Fuutaro was out with his family visiting his Grandpa so you were left on your own for today.

"I wonder if Nino's into all the lucky charm stuff" you mutter to yourself. It seemed like something she might want to do together.

Usually when you pulled for a fortune it was "Terrible Luck" or something of the sort but last year you finally got a "Good Fortune" the thought then occurs to you that maybe it was hinting at your relationship all along.

The cold was staring to get to your face. The jacket that Nino gave you for Christmas was a lifesaver, paired with a jumper and some jeans made you pretty warm but unfortunately your face was feeling the full January effect.

Kaito texted you happy new year at exactly midnight which made you laugh, it felt like ages since you'd seen him but with school coming back soon it was only a matter of time. You'd actually been thinking back on the trip. Going from a fight to confessing was a very strange turn of events but at least it all worked out well in the end, that trip felt like such a long time ago too.

The fact that it was only a few days until school started really put a damper on your mood once you thought about it, 3rd year was approaching so the most stressful exams of all were coming even closer. At the end of first year, you just did a little studying the night before, not really caring for the result you got but somehow it turned out great.

This year however, you had 5 extra people to try and help pass so it was going to make things more complicated and your usual laid-back approach to exams may not work this time. Nino would beat the shit out of you if you failed an exam...

"Ah, there he is" you hear. "Y/N!" you see a hand waving at you through the morning mist as you snap out of your own thoughts.

The first Quint you see is Yotsuba, she was in a full kimono with her hair styled different than usual. Ichika, Itsuki, Miku and then Nino all followed her.

"Woah" you say out loud.

"What?" Miku asked.

"It's just weird seeing you all with different hairstyles. If I wasn't used to you all by now it'd probably be hard to tell you apart" 

"But we look good don't we?" Ichika said as she spun around, giving you a full view of her outfit

"Better than I do anyway" you look down at yourself in complete casual clothes compared to how much effort they all put in.

"I think you look good" Ichika smiled. 

Taking the compliment you turn to Nino. She was kinda of fidgeting awkwardly for some reason.

Nino curls the tip of her hair around her finger. "How do I look?" she asks with a slight blush on her face seemingly nervous about her appearance.

You opt to walk up to her and kiss her on the forehead. "Does that answer your question? or do you need me to scream it from a rooftop?"

"Idiot.." she warmly smiles as she hugs herself against you. "Aaah... you're so warm"  her voice becoming muffled pressed against your torso.

"This coat you got me is insane. It's so warm" you flex the coat to her.

"I'm glad you're putting it to use" she says as she pulls down the front of her kimono slightly, showing you the necklace you bought her for Christmas.

"I don't think I said it then, but it looks really good on you"

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