Chapter 🍋- Freshly Squeezed

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Yes, this is the fabled lemon chapter. Yes, this is real. No, I don't usually write this stuff so don't expect anything great but I did promise you guys I'd do one at some point. Obviously this is gonna be more explicit & mature language yadda yadda, you guys aren't 5 years old. Enjoy :)


With a soft click, Nino closed the heavy wooden door behind her, a small exhale escaping her lips as she came to terms with what was about to unfold before her. The weight of the moment seemed to press down on her, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension. Her heart raced as she took in what was about to happen.

Your heart pounded as if it wanted to escape your chest. This was the moment you had been waiting for.

"So..." Nino took a seat on her bed. She anxiously kicked her feet back and forth trying to come up with a  way to transition from our position now to... the bed.

"Yeah" you replied to attempt to comfort her.

"You ever done this before?"

"No. You?"

"Of course not" she puffed out her cheeks. 

"Right... Right"

The two of you awkwardly had some distance apart from each other, maybe neither of you were mentally prepared after your months of big talk and teasing. Now that the time was here it was a little intimidating.

"This is so fucking awkward..." Nino laughed to herself... "After all of our big talk, here we are like a couple of wimps"

"Did you expect me to attack you like an animal as soon as you closed the door?" you laughed in return.

"N-No...." Nino looked away.

"Oh you totally did"

"No I didn't!" Nino protested, standing up firm and marching towards you. "I just thought... you know..."

"I know..?"

Her face twisted, her hesitation to speak was almost tangible. "N-Nevermind!"

Nino made her way back and plopped herself on her bed, her huge boobs shook at the force of impact.

It's not like you didn't want to... do it. But for some reason you felt apprehensive. You thought the both of you would also be all over each other from the get-go so this in-between phase wouldn't exist.

"Nino" you called out to her. I outstretched your arms, awaiting her to enter my grasp. "Come"

She looked at you and let out a cheeky laugh. "I should be the one saying that to you"

"Oi..." you scolded her as she stood up and slowly made her way into your arms. She pressed herself very tight against you. Naturally her hands roamed your back and yours also roamed hers.

You ran your fingers across the straps of her bra through her shirt, it was kind of soothing in a way, feeling the material bump up your finger a little bit as you grazed over it ever so slowly. On the other side of things, her large breasts swelled against your chest as she enveloped you in the hug.

Nino softly groaned at your touch, she looked up at you and locked eyes. Her deep blue eyes invited you to do more, she seemed ready for it now and in those blue eyes lied a insatiable hunger that she needed to be quelled by you.

Keeping herself held close to you, Nino unwrapped her arms from your back and slinked them over your shoulders and put herself on her tip-toes to reach your face. The height difference between you was enough that she really had to stretch to get up there but in doing so her breasts pressed even more against you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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