Chapter 6 - Inevitable Intimacy.

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Strap yourselves in folks, this might be a long one again, maybe not Chapter 4 long, but close hopefully.  This one's going up early because I got stuff to do later the day this publishes so yeah. Nino Lovers, prepare for a day out :)


The Day was Saturday, you had been awake for a few hours with it now being 11am. Your only thing to do today was to hit the gym, which you were about to leave for. Since you planned to only go to the gym and back, you only wore a sports jacket, a tight fitting t-shirt and sweatpants, considering you didn't like to wear shorts much, so you tried to avoid wearing them when possible.

You left the house, heading to the shopping mall that wasn't too far away. You arrive and enter the gym without any interruptions. It's a nice local place and gets the job done. As stated before you weren't a bodybuilder or anything crazy, you just liked to keep in shape as you were already toned nicely and had some abs. 

You left them gym after a couple of hours so it was now around 1pm, and you were starting to feel hungry. You walk around the mall for a while, trying to decide what to get to eat, looking at different shops, cafes and restaurants that littered the mall, when your eyes wander to a clothing store and see 2 familiar butterfly ribbons poking over a clothing rack. Your heart rate steadily increases and you chuckle to yourself, maybe out of happiness, or maybe out of nervousness but whatever, you grit your teeth and head into the store, making sure to not be seen. You approach the girl, while picking up a nearby dress off of the rack.

"Hmmm, I think this would look nice on you, whaddya think?" You tease

Nino jumps at the sudden voice, turned towards you "D-Dummy, don't sneak up on me like that" She says, trying to hold an assertive ground. She then notices the dress you're holding and scoffs. "As if I'd wear something as tacky as that, your fashion sense is terrible." She says that eyeing me up and down "Definitely Terrible"

You deadpan, "These are my gym clothes, I just finished up about 5 minutes ago"

"Really, you go to the Gym?" 

"Yeah, I gotta keep fit nowadays and it's a good mind clearer, so, are you just shopping or something?"

"Pretty Much, but I've been looking around for a while and haven't found anything that interests me"

"Why don't you just buy a tracksuit or something, considering you used Miku's to cook the other day? It would save the trouble of another argument between you two".

She looked at you genuinely impressed, "Good idea, I've been using your jacket since you left it at our apartment a few days ago" she said nonchalantly.

You had completely forgotten about the jacket, but wait, did she just say she's been wearing it?

"Wait, so you're wearing my jacket around the house?" 

"Y-Yeah sorry, but I keep it in good condition and next time you come over, you can take it back" 

"It's fine, you may as well keep it at this point"

"Really, why?"

"Well I just don't particularly need it" You face her, "Plus it keeps us closer, don't you think" you said intentionally trying to get her mad, and it worked

"Fine, B-But don't think I'm thankful of anything"

Dealing with a Nino is fun, you thought to yourself, putting your hands in your pockets and turning away from Nino, you thought it'd be best not to overstay your welcome.

"Wait!" She quickly tugged on your sleeve as you began to  walk away "W-where are you going?"

"I'm hungry so I was gonna go get a bite to eat at that café over there" You reply, pointing towards a small brown café that was parallel to the clothes store you both were currently standing in. 

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