Chapter 39 - Best Friends

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We're so Back. Enjoy :)


"F, F, F, F aaaaaaaaaand, F" you groaned, falling backwards into your seat as a hearty sigh left your mouth at the sight of the Quintuplets' pitiful scores.

Fuutaro seemed even more distraught than you did. "All... F's..." he mumbled. "DO YOUR BRAINS RESET WHEN YOU ADVANCE A GRADE?, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!?"

"I thought that went pretty well..." Miku frowned, lowering her head in shame.

Nino stuck her hand up. Fuutaro pointed at her so she could speak. "This might sound like an excuse but, I haven't been studying as much because Y/N always wants to spend time with me"

Fuutaro shot you a look, and you shot him one back that signalled. "Don't believe her shit"

"Oi, what's with that look?" Nino raised her tone, standing up and walking towards you. "Did you want to say something?"

"Oh, of course not my wonderful girlfriend! You keep getting those F's!" you sarcastically smiled which seemed to tick her off.

"I'm gonna punch him" Nino announced as she rolled up her sleeve.

"And ruin your boyfriend's perfectly good face? Oh, the horror!"

"I'll show you Horror!"

"No. I'll show YOU horror!" You lifted up her exam sheet and held it out right in front of her face. "This is true horror. What happened to all the studying progress we've made over the past 6 months?"

Fuutaro had his head in his hands, he looked as defeated as everyone else, despite the teachings we've done, since Third Year began their grades had plummeted yet again.

Nino backed off. "I'm...sorry" she frowned. She turned to look back at her sisters and sat solemnly with them. Seeing them like this you felt terrible for berating them, clearly, they were trying, it's just that something wasn't clicking.

"Fuutaro" Ichika spoke up. "We're all trying but something just isn't clicking. We don't share that stamina for studying you or Y/N have"

"But Y/N doesn't have much for stud-" Itsuki was interrupted by Nino lightly elbowing her in the ribs.

"What I'm trying to say is." Ichika stood up and approached Fuutaro, looking him directly in the eyes and making sure he was looking straight back at her. "I think we're drained. Ever since we started this grade, our grades haven't improved."

"To be honest Fuu, I hear what she's saying" you chimed in. "As much as I'd love for them to be getting A's on every exam we give them, I think right now that just might not be possible"

"Fuu..?" Nino tilted her head.

The rest of the girls nodded. "I hate to admit it but even I kind of feel the same" Yotsuba bashfully rubbed her head much to Fuutaro's surprise.

"I- I didn't realise," He said looking around. "I'm sorry"

Ichika shook her head, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "No need to apologize, Fuutaro" Her shoulders slumped in defeat. "I guess we just need a break. A chance to recharge and refocus our energies. Maybe then we can come back stronger and do better in our studies!" The tone of Ichika's voice was nothing but filled with determination, she really cared about this with everything she had.

You could see the determination in her eyes and you couldn't help but admire her somewhat.. "I'll do everything I can to help, Ichika. We'll figure something out together," you say, placing a supportive hand on her shoulder.

The One For Me [Nino Nakano x  Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now