Chapter 23 - Lost Time

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Who would have thought you'd ever see me again? 

Sorry for the wait, hope you've all been well. I've missed this.

Let's begin :)


"This guy really is the worst..." you sighed as yet another half hour passed as you slumped over your kitchen counter. Your house was spotless for once, you made sure that it would be in an acceptable condition for today.

Inside you were feeling a mix of both excitement and nervousness, it had been ages since you'd last seen your dad but you were looking forward to seeing him nonetheless.

Repeatedly scrolling through your phone didn't satisfy your impatience like you thought it would. Your messages were empty all over and there was practically nothing happening on social media. With nothing else to do, you just aimlessly wandered around the house as time slowly ticked.  Eventually you turned to just watching whatever crap the news channel was spilling out but you couldn't give a shit about politics or any of that stuff so you tuned out almost immediately and kept scrolling through twitter


The sound echoed throughout the house as you vaulted over the sofa and jogged towards the door. You caught your breath for a second as you stood in front of the door and then slowly opened it, and the man standing on the other side was none other than your Father.

"Hey Kid" he smiled. It felt so nostalgic, so comforting. You lived alone and you loved it but it always felt lonely deep down.

Instantly you rushed into his arms and he reciprocated with a hug.

He didn't say anything, he just let you stay against him for a moment. The familiar but distant feeling baked both a mix of comfort and sadness inside of you but right now that shard of happiness you were feeling was overflowing.

After what felt like a satisfactory amount of time, you let go of him and took a step back, wiping the dry tears in your eyes in the process. He gestured inside and you led him inside.

"You're keeping the place pretty clean huh?" he said as he ruffled your hair. "God, you should get this cut sometime, I am a barber you know"

"No thanks. I like my hair how it is, but if someone wants their haircut I'll be sure to give them your card" you smirked.

"So you got both my looks and my quick wit when you were born, I'm starting to think what you even inherited from your mother"

"Charm, Youth, The ability to consume Dairy..."

"HEY!" he shouted. You couldn't help but laugh in return.

"The charm I don't take offense to, Youth? I'll let it slide but my Dairy Allergy is a low blow"

"Sorry Sorry" you laughed. "So, do you wanna go out for a little while, it's still the afternoon"

"Sure, where do you have in mind?"

"There's a cool lake that Fuutaro told me about a while ago. We can catch up there, how about it?"

"All good to me son, lead the way"


After a short journey, you both arrive at a large lake. Fuutaro initially told you about this place some time ago because apparently Yotsuba often jogged around here.

"Wow." your dad said, taken aback by the view. "So this city does have some nice spots to it"

"Yeah... so-"

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