Chapter 10 - Accidental Confession

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Here we go, by the Title I'm sure you can assume what's coming but let's just see how it plays out, shall we?

It's a BIG chapter this time, I hope you enjoy 

It is Prime Nino Time Gentlemen.


30 minutes into the night time study session, Nino had finally left the bathroom and had made her way downstairs after getting changed into her tracksuit from before. She was looking amazing as always. While she was to get set-up with her stuff for studying, everyone decided to take a break from studying for about 10-15 minutes. Everyone split off to do there own things; Ichika went out to the balcony, Yotsuba was talking with Nino in the kitchen and Miku was trying to stay close with Fuutaro and continue to study. She glanced up at you and you gave her a thumbs up in return. While you had the time, you thought you should check in on Itsuki as it had been over an hour since you first checked in on her. You approach her door once again and knock in the same rhythm as before.

"Come In"

You open the door and shut it behind you again. 

"It's me again, don't be surprised"

Itsuki takes of her glasses and faces you. "I'm not"

"So, how's the studying going?" You look over at her neat display of flash cards on her desk. "Wow, you're more organised than I am"

"Thank you, studying is going fine for me, what about you?"

"Well Yotsuba, Miku and Ichika are all doing well, following instructions and stuff, they get things wrong here and there but it's clear to see they've made progress from that impromptu test from about a month ago"

"That sounds good, but what about Nino?"

"What about Nino, she's been in the bath since we started, she's come out of there now,  but now the problem is getting her to actually study with us"

Itsuki can see the slight frustration on your face as you speak.

"Y/N, can I ask you something?"

"Well you just did, so another question shouldn't hurt"

"Do you think that we'll pass?"

"To tell you the honest truth" You take a seat on her bed and look towards the floor. "I don't know, there's potential in all of you, but potential doesn't mean anything if it's not acted upon, otherwise it's just useless"

"W-What about me then?"

"I have faith in your dedication to study, and if you really do want to study alone, that's up to you"

Her face lights up

"But," you continue "It would be better if you studied with the rest of us"

Her face dims again.

"I already said I'm not going to join you guys"

"I Know, and I'm not gonna push you" You stand up from her bed.

"Anyway, I'll leave you to your studies, I know you'd rather just get back to it. I'll check on you in a bit"

"Okay, Thank You Y/N"

"No problem stars, see ya"

With that you leave Itsuki's room and make your way back downstairs


You notice that Nino is now back downstairs, along with everyone else from before gathered around the table. Fuutaro had a worried look on his face, like some kind of dark secret was on the loose. After Looking at the sheer malice filled smirk on Nino's face, you could guess that she had dirt on him for something.

The One For Me [Nino Nakano x  Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now