Chapter 13 - Lazy Day

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Let's see if I can get back into the swing of writing shall we? 

Anyway, now for some original chapters for a bit before we start the school trip stuff so I hope you enjoy :)


Saturday afternoon, a nice and sunny day as per usual. You had been invited over to the girls apartment to hang out. You had some errands to run  so you just said you'd maybe show up sometime in the afternoon . It was now 4:39pm and you had just arrived at the Pentagon.

"Yo, It's been a while" you greet the security guard and receptionist.

"Ah Y/N, how have you been?" they both knew you by name as you came here pretty often but it had been a decent while since the last visit .

"Pretty Good, just going up to chill for today"

"That's perfectly fine, you're welcome anytime!" The receptionist beams. She was super nice, along with the security guard who was like the definition of a Big Bro.

You wave goodbye and head up to the Nakano apartment. As far as you knew, Fuutaro wasn't coming today and you had no idea if all of the Quints were actually at home but you wanted to come regardless. You knock on the door in your usual rhythm, taking out your earbuds.

The face you're greeted with was none other than Miku. 

"Oh, Good Afternoon Y/N"

"Yo Miku, hope I'm not intruding"

She smiles and shakes her head. "Not at all, come in, we're all at home today for once"

You step inside to the place you had been so many times before. It was kinda weird how often you came here considering you're not even technically meant to be here as their father still has no clue about your existence.

You set your bag down next to the sofa and turn to face Miku upon noticing no one else is downstairs.

"I assume everyone's in their rooms?"

"Yep, I don't think they expected you to show up"

"I'll go up and greet them individually, be back in a bit"

"Alright Y/N" Miku turned on the Nintendo Switch and started shuffling through the games.

"Wait, you guys have a switch, how the hell have I never seen that before?"

"Well when you and Fuutaro are here usually, it's study time so I put it away"

"Ah gotcha, play me at Smash Bros later though okay?"

"Sure thing Y/N" she smiles at you and you make your way upstairs to greet each of the girls.


You knock on Itsuki's door and hear her speak.

"Come in"

You open the door to see Itsuki, Yotsuba and Ichika all sitting around talking.

"Oh you girls are all here"

"Y/N! I didn't know you were coming today!" Yotsuba said excitedly as she got up and hugged you. It seemed to be a thing of instinct as she suddenly realised what she was doing and broke off the hug. "Ah, sorry about that" she said embarrassed.

You chuckle, "No harm done, a hug is always welcome"

"Oh is it now..." Ichika ponders "In that case..." She stands up and slowly walks towards you before extending her arms and wrapping them around your shoulders into a hug, she made sure to press as tight to you as humanly possible so you felt two big weights press against your chest.

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