Chapter 37 - Bell of Vows

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"Finally..." you huffed and puffed as you leaned forward holding onto your knees as you caught your breath after sprinting a quarter-way across the island. The view of the vast sparkling sea ahead of you was a nice view however tiresome the journey was.

The 5 girls and their grandpa were all present at the beach when you get there. Their grandpa was fishing from a stone pier that hung over some water, next to him sat Fuutaro who was also fishing.

The sisters on the other hand were frolicking on the beach, splashing each other with water and just seemingly really enjoying themselves under the sunlight.

"HEEEEEEY!" one of the girls spotted you and waved you over causing the others to look as well. From this distance, you had zero idea which girl it was as again they were all dressed as Itsuki because their grandpa was there. You slowly hobbled down the steps to the beach, your breath still not being caught back yet and the heat did not help your fatigue in the slightest.

You stumbled down a few steps, nearly completely losing your footing but barely managing to stabilize yourself, as you looked back up. All of the girls are running over with one in particular being ahead of the rest while another is just slightly behind her, the other three are all further behind but still coming.

"Y/N!" the girl wraps her arms around you.

"Thanks Yotsuba. That... is you right?" you laughed.

" I'm surprised you could tell. We thought you were going to collapse coming down the stairs." Yotsuba held a tight grip as she helped you get your footing.

"Sorry for worrying you guys, I was running over here from the inn with how hot it is and considering I haven't eaten, I guess it took its toll on me" you laughed awkwardly as you used Yotsuba to help stand up straight.

"Hey!" Nino ran over and threw her arms around you. "Are you okay?" she looked up at you.

You waved in dismissal. "Yeah, yeah I'm good" The other 2 also had caught up. "So what're you guys all doing out here?"

"We just all felt like visiting the beach and Grandpa said he'd accompany us" Itsuki pointed across the sand towards the girls' grandpa and Fuutaro sitting beside him. "Fuutaro decided to come with him too... He's been stuck to him like glue all of today."

Nino hugged your arm tight as you followed the girls further down the beach. Seeing them all together dressed as Itsuki really was a baffling sight, it felt like some type of weird dream, but despite their looks on the outside, their personalities had become so distinct that now there was no worry in telling them apart.

"I'm surprised you got over here so quick" Nino stretched up and whispered in your ear.

"With the incentive you gave me, how could I not get here as quick as possible?"

Nino laughed, "You know I wasn't being serious right?" she smugly admitted. "I just thought it would get you here the fastest"

"Wha-!" you felt your knees get weak, the revelation almost made you lose your balance.

"I'm kidding. Later, You. Me and a not-so-relaxing time in the Hot Springs"

"Sure thing, you sure you're actually gonna go through with it?"

"Oh, just you watch me Y/N" Nino smirked. "Hmmm, maybe I should get everyone to join us"

"Yeah, right. Like you would let that even happen" you laughed.

"Is that a challenge?"

"Sure, a challenge that you can convince 4 other beautiful girls to enter a hot spring with me sounds great."

The One For Me [Nino Nakano x  Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now