Chapter 21 - Catching Up

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Welcome back :), glad to see you again!

Let's get back into your irregularly scheduled Nino-ing... Yeah just read the chapter man lmao


It's been a few days since the end of the Field Trip, a Friday to be specific. Fuutaro had been in the hospital recovering for the past few days and everyone visited him repeatedly even if he wanted us to leave him be. 

Now he'd made a full recovery and had the girls back on study mode.

You and Nino broke the news to everyone that you were now officially dating. There reactions were something like this:

Ichika: "Took you long enough, I guess I can't tease you as much now Y/N, but, make sure to take care of my little sister for me" she said in her usually playful nature.

Miku: "Nice going" Simple and she gave you expectant eyes, so you knew you would have to up your own wingman game for Miku's sake.

Yotsuba: "What! No way! I'm so happy for you guys, Nino you're so mature! and Y/N! you better take care of her!" Yotsuba echoed as she immediately hugged the both of you.

Itsuki: "...Congratulations" Her reaction was pretty flat. 

Fuutaro: "So you actually did it, good for you. But! Don't let it get in the way of your studies, both of you!" He boomed as he basically ordered us to do so, well at least he didn't have a problem, not that Nino would care, as soon as Fuutaro felt better she immediately went back to bickering with him almost daily.

Kaito: "Oh, ya grew some balls, good shit man! Sorry for hittin' on her when we first met" he said apologetically, Kaito was someone you talked to almost everyday now that you sorted out your issues. And apparently he hit on her, never knew that until now....

Regardless, it looked like everyone was pretty accepting so that was good you thought to yourself as you reminisced. Time was ticking however, so standing up and flushing the toilet you were previously sitting on, you cleaned yourself up and headed out out into the apartment.


Another chill after school study session at the Pentagon, it felt like a lifetime since you'd last been here. 

Honestly, you still could barely process the fact that you and Nino were dating now, how did this all end up so good, there must have been an angel looking after you or something.

"Y/N, are you ready?" you hear a voice call from downstairs as you're lost in thought standing upstairs.

You quickly leant over the upstairs balcony, "Yeah, I'll be right there" you waved.

Down below were all the quintuplets and Fuutaro, waiting for you to get back from your toilet break you'd just taken.

"Took you a while Y/N" Ichika playfully teased.

"Shut up, I don't wanna hear that from the person we had to drag out of bed today"

"I'm surprised you were that bold! Considering, you know..." Ichika turned in the direction of Nino who was sitting cross armed on the sofa, impatiently waiting for you to sit next to her again. 

"She didn't have a problem with it, right babe?" you nudged her playfully as you took your seat next to her.

 Nino didn't seem to get as embarrassed around you anymore and she was more comfortable just being herself without worrying what you thought of her, you liked this change, as much as you did adore her Tsundere tendencies.

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