Chapter 7 - Hug and Festival

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Not much to say here, for once I'm writing this section after I've written the chapter, this has been one of my favourites to do.

Time for the first....... with Nino 

Enjoy :)


"Miku, Is that you"

You instantly recognised that voice was Nino and when you looked in the direction it came from, you saw heaven.

Nino was in nothing but a towel, probably fresh out of the shower so her skin was still shiny, as she was in the middle of drying her hair. She stood up from the sofa and faced the entrance. The towel she was wearing only covered from her breasts to her ass but HOLY SHI-, you internally melted at the sight, it took all of your willpower to speak and not just let your eyes consume the beauty that was in front of you.

"Nino, it's not Miku it's me, Y/N, I came back to get my earbuds" 

"Y/N!" she put down the hair dryer and got defensive instantly, understandably so. "Don't you dare look this way you creep"

"Don't worry, I respect you enough to not look, but can't you see that I'm not looking?"

"I don't have my contacts in, they're over on this shelf. She wanders over to a nearby shelf and aimlessly fumbles around with it trying to find her contacts. While she does that, you go over to the table Itsuki was sitting at and find your earbuds neatly placed there. She probably just forgot to mention that she left them there before you left but, no harm done at least. You start heading towards the door to leave

"Alright Nino, I got my earbuds, so I'm getting out of here" You noticed she was still fumbling around with the shelf, when some dangerously placed were starting to topple over towards her.

"NINO!" you screamed, as a barrage of books fell down directly above her. You managed to get in-between her and the books, acting as a shield, however the corner of one hit you directly on the forehead, just before you completely turned around to let your back block the onslaught. 


You held onto Nino as she slipped and fell towards the floor, you quickly put a hand behind her head to catch her, but you fell on top of her in typical anime fashion.

"Shit, Nino! are you okay?" you ask still on top of her. A hand crushed between her hair and the floor and the other around her waist from when you tried to catch her.

She was completely red in the face and breathless, she can't form her words. But she was so close she could make out the panic on your face, and also the blood dripping down your forehead. She felt amazing to the touch too, and smelt like a fresh raspberry flavoured shampoo, which you thought was fitting for her.

"Just what is going on here" Itsuki boomed, as her and all of the sisters came downstairs reacting to the scream they had just heard. You flinched and snapped out of your trance. You cleared your throat and moved off of Nino, standing back up. You went to lift her up too.

"Stop, Don't Touch her or I'm calling the Police" Miku said, phone in hand

Shit, this was a really bad situation, you had to tread carefully, or you may never get to walk the streets again. You stood up away from Nino, hands visible in a surrendering position.

"Y/N..." Yotsuba sounded heartbroken, it was painful for you to listen to.

"I can explain everything, you said still facing away from them, towards the door"

The One For Me [Nino Nakano x  Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now